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© Laura Marco (c) Art Photography




© Laura Marco (c) Art Photography

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...I stepped aside off the main stream

wandering the length and breadth of my life,

Long ago...

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Long ago I left the path,

I looked and looked around me

And began to search not knowing where.


Long ago I left the main stream

Now I'd distinguish what is Heaven and Earth.

I fear I will never stop wandering.


An eternal quest, feeling apart.

Others prefer travelling companions

And now I've lost sight of them. 


I stepped aside off the main stream

wandering the length and breadth of my life,

Long ago...

© Laura Marco 


  • The meaning of the work for me is contained in this poem. The truth is that... I do not know how natural it sounds for native speakers of English, I hope the lines reflect well what I'm trying to transmit (!); It is difficult for a person to write with all the nuances in a language that is not his/her mother tongue. Anyway, there's a writer Joseph Conrad, Polish, but he decided to write all his work in English and he became a universal reference in the English-language literature and he learned it as adult. In my view, it can be a beautiful example of perseverance for all those that every day deal a little with another code, different from ours and have to code-switching. Sometimes, I'm not always sure about nuances and meaning.


I hope you'll enjoy this work, thank you very much for your comments!. Kindest regards, Laura

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Ciao Laura.

Una bellissima scoperta sapere che scrivi poesie! Peccato che che io conosca pochissimo l'inglese. Penso che unire due o + forme d'arte sia un modo per moltiplicare la bellezza! La foto è molto bella, la ragazza che con la luce cerca penso l'ispirazione in un campo di grano in un paesaggio incantato!

 Complessivamente un lavoro eccellente. Gianni


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clap! clap! clap! ...... Both for your poem and for the wonderful image, I like your expression lulled by the waves of wheat field with the mind wandering. I envy your artistic talent and your skills in the postproduction that allows you to create images so beautiful. ciao Giangiorgio
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Hi Laura, great composition and light and works very successfully as subject looks very much at one with nature! very well done. Best wishes. sarah

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Caro Gianni ... la cosa più bella che si possa dire a me è ... "ragazza" ... ummm e con che hanno toccato il mio cuore.

Sono contento che ti piace il lavoro e l'atmosfera di libertà, solitudine, ampi picchi di campo, il calore del sole ... è vero che tutti insieme invita la poesia.


Grazie per la vostra visita e apprezzato da tutti ...

Sono contento che ti piaccia :) Un abbraccio, Laura 

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Dear Ruud, I'm very glad you've liked the lighting, because it's in which I've put more emphasis.


Thank you for your appreacited visit and for all... Kindest regards, Laura

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Dear Marco, I'm glad that you liked it. Your assurance about the value of this work gives me confidence and encourages me to go on.


Thank you very much for your nice and appreciated visit and for all ... kindest regards, Laura

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Dear Giangiorgio, I'm delighted that you've enjoyed both the poem and this work. Yes ... the ears of grain, a large field, freedom but also solitude, feel pampered by the sun ... all together it created a very special atmosphere.


I mention anecdotally that when I was making the shots, at first there was no one, but then I heard people ... approaching, I'm not used to pose with people, I feel uncomfortable, so as they passed through the nearby road, I poured the equipment on the floor and I lay down between the ears of grain, in some places they reached half a meter high, so nobody saw me, I stayed a long time hidden in the middle of the place. Lying in silence and hidden among stems.

I've never felt better in my life, like a child again!. I was... until I stopped hearing their voices.


Thanks for your visit so dear and for all ... kindest regards, Laura

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Dear Giuseppe, I also think that Nature is full of poetry, if we do not belong to anyone ... what can be better than to be part of Nature, get lost in it ?.


I'm very glad you've liked this work, thank you very much for your positive comment and for all ...

Kindest regards, Laura

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Dear Andrew, then I take all these impressions as well as yours, I'm so glad you like this image.

Thank you very much for your pleasant visit and compliments for this work.

Kindest regards, laura

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Dear Sarah, as I told Giangiorgio, there was a time when I lay down between the ears of grain, to go unnoticed for hikers who arrived at the place after me; it was exciting to be hidden in the spikes. I think that's why the union is so close among elements, the reason that makes you feel between the protagonist and spikes, like a united whole.


Thank you very much for your visit and positive comment for this work.

Kindest regards, Laura.

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Well done.  A very pleasing creation.  There are those who call this type of image - Alter Ego.  Excellent work, Laura.

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Wandering was the first word to come on my mind before I saw the caption! Pretty surrealistic I would say and very persuasive and in interaction with te poem you wrote, Laura!





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Dear Wayne, thanks for your positive comment about this image ... I knew the figure of Alter Ego, especially represented in the character of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I'm sure I've got another alter ego, who is not destructive or hostile, but rather wandering, ethereal, who remains still and watches the world go on and does not know what is looking for; that's "my other I" :)


Thank you very much for your appreciated visit, I'm glad you liked it.

Kindest regards, Laura.

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Dear Pierre, if the first word that popped into your mind was "wandering" then all that I wanted to reflect is certainly, fully in it, glad to know about that.

It also attracts me the surreal world, I always try to keep proportions and common sense, nevertheless sometimes to overwhelm our soul ... to empty, to explode uncontrollably ... is addictive, heals us and it's worthy.


I wrote the poem especially for the image; It hasn't got great value in itself, although it's a pure synthesis of the feelings that inspired me.


Thank you very much for your appreciated visit and for all ... I'm glad you liked it.


Kindest regards, Laura.

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Very interesting, beautiful, excellently composed,  and unique image. Great colors and light. Very nice. Regards, Andey.

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One of most intense feeling to me is to be in a field like this and see the waves of ears in wind,nothing to do more just feel the nature.I like the light how comes from left that is soft but enough to give a so good visual effect.Poem gives a completely dimension to composition and makes me think that each path we have is because we look to find our balance,to find our way.We look for the light that makes us to be in resonance with nature.

Compliments for a so nice work that also technical is so carefully done.

ps.I will rate later because system can't allow me to give as I want for this

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Dear Andrey, I'm glad you liked the way is composed this image and lights... the subject of light is really appealing for me... above all, I'm always concerned with lights and colours, these themes attire much my attention in photography.

Thank you for your precious visit, encouraging comment and for all.


Warm regards, Laura


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Dear Radu, it's true that for me, there is much interconnected ... using a poem, shaping a feeling with the aid of a color, or choosing between synonyms the most suitable one ... or thinking about what musical score will I choose to work playing this summer, ... all this fills my heart, so I spend many hours, much of my time; and all guides to the same thing, to find myself within  me and be happy. Search for beauty and a desired well-being in sum.


Glad you like the poem and lights in this work. Light catches my attention much in photography, the truth is that it's essential and primary to be working in conditions of light, the other is related to every personality.


Thank you very much for your visit and for appreciating this work, you encourage me a lot to go on, thanks for your comment so positive and so good desire of rating, thanks a lot :)

I've been absent a few days, but May for me, this month means the end of my course of music theory and guitar, there are auditions and exams. Each of us tried to give the best of ourselves after being practicing all year. I like to get involved; I have two teachers, marvellous both, for one of them I've designed a poster for a musical audition of guitar, a basic one but It's nice, here I include it, but I do not stop working at times on a new work ... quite advanced already.


Thank you very much and kindest regards, Laura.



Musical audition  :)

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Seems you indeed have lot of activity and to find the essence of life in what you do what can be more important.I share the opinion that we must do this in what we like to do and find as much as possible a balance.Good luck in all exams you have and excellent results to be.

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