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© Laura Marco (c) Art Photography




© Laura Marco (c) Art Photography

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At times, we may feel confused, even tired ... then it's better to stop

off on the way; let emotions cool down. Hasty reactions only serve to

generate pain, ... let time pass until returning to feel being ourselves

again, maybe we'll be stronger than before. Temperance is good


Comments are welcome, thank you! :)

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Our immediate natural environment can be a source of great healing and calm.   The Japanese practice of "Forest Bathing" is now widely believed by scientists to have great health benefits, including helping ones immune system to fight cancer!

Of course these are scientific findings, but instinct is the key, and your image depicts the instinctive reaction of the tired and stressful traveller. I like the way you have conveyed her vulnerability whilst at the same time showing her taking sanctuary with nature.

Beautifully done Laura!




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Cara Laura

bellissima immagine che interpreta molto bene lo spirito della foresta! La donna confusa e forse ha perso il sentiero giusto mentre è ormai sopraggiunta l'oscurità. Non ha con se il cellulare per chiamare i soccorsi ma penso che pur chiedendo protezione potrà benissimo superare questa situazione. (fai molta attenzione alla lanterna che potrebbe incendiare la foresta!) ciao Gianni




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Very interesting conception of the self portrait taken under subtle light conditions and with great bucolic mood. Your figure on the dark path with a small lamp in front, offers a feeling of fear and upsetness which is presented very effectively. This scene wears plenty of symbols related to the modern times we have been taking part of. Nice work and another contribution of yours in your permanent search in photography, Laura. Best regards.

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Also I have been confused by this image because I can not find words to express what I think, I will stop even I, I only know that I like this picture, ciao Giangiorgio
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Dear Alf, I didn't know about Japanese technique of "Forest Bathing"and I found it very, very interesting. I live near pine forest and this kind of mediterranean undergrowth and in a 20 minutes-drive I can be there, in the place of this image or similar; this place is 1,100 meters above sea level. It's quiet, there's no one, very often is filled with mist and clouds... there I feel myself reborn. All these moments will remain in my mind as "flashes", sensations which are hard to explain, but dwell within me as when a perfume is stored in a little jar.


Being in Nature is a unique experience. Knowing about these properties now I'll go more often. You talk about "vulnerability"; there're many vulnerabilities in people. That is also better shown with years and experience. Gestures look natural because, they're a reflection of what's inside.

I think, the woman is tired and full of doubts, does not know whether to go in the same way, same path, or if returning back, do not know at what moment in her life she is . It's a purely reflexive stage, full of experiences.


Pose in the arms is due to cold, she's vulnerable to cold in the forest, but also vulnerable to life, to others...


I'm glad you liked this work. Before I've told you that I find your interpretations very outstanding, we may have a similar for reality.


Heartfelt thanks for all, kindest regards, Laura

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Dear Ruud,

Thank you for your visit so pleasant and so positive comment about this work.

I'm really glad you've found it appealing and you've liked lighting.

Thanks for all... kindest regards, Laura.

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Caro Gianni, sapevo che questo sarebbe stato lavorare come per il vostro amore per la natura.


Si tratta di un sottobosco (pino ripiantati) che conserva ancora le specie mediterranee. Come ho detto Alf, si trova a 1.100 metri di altitudine. Si tratta di un luogo solitario e bello.


La donna è piena di dubbi e sentire l'indecisione, la vita notturna è appesa su di lei. Gesti, stanchezza ... tutto è riflesso naturale. Ci sono molti fotografi che cercano solo i modelli di venti  :)  ok ... ma ogni sentimento espresso in un punto vita. Questa è una sensazione che non si dispone di un adolescente. Sto dando vita a un sentimento che tutti noi alle nostre spalle: la fatica, indecisione, dubbi ... tutto ciò che porta nel tempo.


Sono contento che ti è piaciuto di questo libro, vi ringrazio molto per tutto. Cordiali Saluti, Laura


PD. Non preoccuparti, mio marito è un biologo, ha sempre instillato in me l'amore per gli animali e la natura. A casa faccio fatica a uccidere un ragno :) devo prenderlo e tornare lentamente al giardino. Sono stato molto attento con la candela e la fiamma.

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Dear Sreten, I'm glad you've liked this work.

It's a lonely and beautiful place, most of the times, just deserted...

The woman is full of doubts and feels indecision. Night is hanging over her, also life is doing it as well. Time is passing by, without even realizing. Her gestures, her weariness ... everything is a natural consequence of living everyday.

I appreciate your interpretation, but I find no grievance or resentment, nor upsetness ... just only many questions upon her heart, and a state of stopping purely to meditate and by doing this, feeling her inner self.

It's true that I'm fond of low lights.


Thank you very much for everything, kindest regards, Laura.

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Dear Giangiorgio,

If I've managed to awaken in you something you can't find words ... then it's the nicest thing I could wait from others, because sometimes words are not necessary and if you like it ... then I'm really happy.

I appreciate your precious visit and everything.


Grazie mille. Kindest regards, Laura

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Dear Andrey, thanks for your encouraging comment that I appreciate a lot... I'm very glad you've liked this work.

Warm regards, Laura


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Very good expression of the motive! framing/composition and processing - fantastic!

Somehow reminds me the story/film-"The french liutenant's woman" by John fowles...

Kind regards!


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Dear Hanan,   it's true ... I agree with you that it might be the portrait of the woman, the mistress of the Liutenant ... I hadn't watched the movie, but I surfed a bit through Google and looked at some pictures ... I'm surprised with this resemblance :)


I'm glad you liked this work. For me, it also helped to create this atmosphere, a bit dingy, or one of discouragement, or feeling lost, the fact that it was freezing cold and cold stuns senses and was reflected in faces.


Thank you very much for your comment so positive, your appreciated visit, and for all ...


Kindest regards, Laura


The woman in the film

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Dear Laura if i am able to evaluate and appreciate your works (even a bit,considering my ignorance in art) you have to see the movie. you will be inspired ! I know it !!

Big big Like for your works!


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