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© Pnina Evental copyrights

Future Entrance...



© Pnina Evental copyrights

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This is a scene of a theater  show  in a school   performed by Israeli and  refugees, via  footprints of " Alice in Wonderland" ,with uptodate connotation.( Mesila connected)

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I could not help but see this as a presentation that represents either a birth (exit from) or a retreat (reentry) into the womb. For the life of me, I'm not sure why that image just sticks with me, but it does. Lovely tones and light.

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I love the sense of light on the retreating body. I love how clear the details in his clothes are. Very surreal image, which makes me curious about the story. I think he must have been a dancer or a mime?
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I love that beam of light and your overall composition, great balance and exposure. A magical scene that you have captured to perfection!

Very well done Pnina!



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I love those rays of light coming from the hole, and I like the tension of the light moving one way, and the man the other.

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Dave,It is an unusual impression, I like the idea of in /out,in both situations the future is important,

Vladimir thanks for the color analogy, I did not think of that.

Sergio, thanks for your visit and comment.

Liz,I don't know who is he really, but his role was very well done.

Alfe, thanks as well for your nice feedback.

Pierre and Ruud thanks for reffering to the light.

Linda and Jeff,the light and mistery played a role like the story of " Alice in Wonderland"....

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Pnina, I really like the subdued/somber color palette. The refraction of the light beam from the opening is very theatrical and quite wonderful.  

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true Pnina, the earth is a clump of clay, simple as this bare stage, compared to the light that penetrates our spines in our spiritual moments of lucidity. the sureness of his entry seems to me propelled by the force of the light on his back (a universal metaphor, i believe, whose recurrance has always struck me powerfully in art because when i was a very young girl i wrote a poetic short story about such an entrance, having had no overt consciousness of the metaphor at my young age save for imagery i had absorbed in a catholic upbringing.) grazie for this powerful and essential image ;-} dp

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beautyful.  tones, following the light, are perfect. the sharpness add a lot, and i loke the dark right side becouse explain the passage from the light to the night

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Tells a story and raises questions, very good photo. Maybe I would have cropped a wee bit from the bottom and right, but composition is also nice as is. What I would strongly consider is b&w for this shot (what does color add to the impact here ?)

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Andrea,for your nice comment.

Carsten,thanks for your suggestions. I have  tried it in B/W and I think that it looses  the impact of his body color, garments , and surrounding. Color earth as well were  some statement..;-))About cropping, it is for sure a possibility, but I like the open space that enhances imo the main occurence. Always nice to know your point of view.

Gail, thanks as well. Yes, I like to photo art.

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