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I cant tell the difference between Black and White vs desaturated color.

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Just my small contribution...


I do not process my pictures yet but I really think B&W is an art form in itself. The way one has to do, the time it needs are reminiscent of painting. And, it WILL sound silly to some, there is poetry involved it it.


Of course, digital might be great for people in a hurry like journalists, but this is another subject matter, isn't it?


Moreover, every B&W film has its own grain structure so desaturating a colour film just is not the same, is it?


Anyway, "Having no limitations as limitation. Having no way as the way" Bruce Lee.



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  • 2 weeks later...
I dont really think its a question of difference between digital desaturation, colour desaturation, or black and white. No matter what medium your using your trying to get the best result, and all produce good results if you know what your doing. Me, I like my darkroom, and I will never change, so long as kodak, illford, and forte dont put me out of business by removing black and white products from the shelves. I dont know shit from shineola when it comes to scanning negitives. My scans are the worst! I hope black and white sticks around for atleast my lifetime.
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