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Summicron R90 f2.0 mm or elmarit r 90mm f2.8 for wedding portrait


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Hello all , Please give me your sugestion which lense Should I use

for my family friend wedding on Feb 28/2004. I have The Cron 90

second version 2 with E55mm filter and elmarit 90 f.28 first version

with series 7 filter. the bride is a Vietnamese 32yrs old quite good

looking , dam ! lucky Groom ! film I intend to use is Reala 100 ,

with vivita 283 flash or metz 32ct4 and R3. Thanks all for your

wonderfull input especially from Mr. AL Kaplan and Mr. Marc wiilam

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I use a Vivitar 283 flash and like to use a diffuser like the Sto-Fen Omni Bounce for close in picture. I never had a 90 Summicron-R, only the Elmarit-R, but I agree that the faster speed might be useful. I often use an 85mm f2 Nikkor on my M bodies.


The most important thing is to shoot lots of pictures and try to stay mellow and relaxed when taking the posed shots. If you're up tight and nervous other people pick up on it and have trouble relaxing. It's all a subconcious thing!


The other thing to remember is that the average wedding album is shot by a reasonably competant, but not great, photographer shooting pretty much the same list of "must shoot" shots that he or she shot at the last several hundred weddings. Only difference one wedding to the next is different people!


When you look at Marc's work here, or the samples in a high class wedding studio, a pro photo magazine, or a bridal magazine, you're looking at the BEST shots by top photographers. When the bride looks at her friends' wedding albums she has a more realistic expectation of what her album will look like, and subconciously knows that her pictures won't look like a spread in Modern Bride, just as she knows that she won't be getting a $10,000 custom gown by a famous designer or have a chamber orchestra for the music at the reception.


Your job is to get well exposed photos of smiling happy people with their eyes open and their hair in place. In full length photos have the bride hold the flowers low. Beyond that be creative in your posing, take lots of variations, but don't drive them crazy and take up too much time. They want to enjoy the wedding!

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