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Put On Your TinFoil Caps!


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Break out the black helicopters, put on your tinfoil caps -- here

goes;<P>Brian why did photo.net and photo.sig both go down at the

same time? Is Willis carrying the bags on the Brazilian outing ;>}

<P>All kidding aside once you catch your breath fill us in to what

the server problems are -- if its OK.<P>Thanks for puttin' up with


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I just got done driving home. We lost the whole database when the RAID array containing it failed. I think it was probably due to the temperature being too high in our cabinet within the data center. All the new equipment is generating too much heat. (All the brouhaha in the Leica forum doesn't keep things cool, either.)


I had to rebuild the database instance from scratch and then import the data from the last export, once the RAID array problem was worked out. The last export was from around 11:30 PM yesterday. The system went down a little after 6 this morning; so we have lost about 6.5 hours.

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