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Ilford 100' rolls


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I bought a bulk loader over the summer, and recently decided to make

use of it, so I picked a 100' roll of HP5 Plus to feed it. It comes

in a two piece cardboard box. I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to

open the box in the light, but I didn't see how it could be light

tight, since it wasn't even sealed. I didn't want to risk doing

anything with that much film, so I opened it up in my changing bag.

Inside is what seems to be an unsealed bag with the roll of film

inside it. Is this correct? I've never loaded film into a bulk

loader before, and I want to get my bearings before I start. Thanks!

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Yes, this is correct; however, ususally the box and the inter wrapping is sealed. In your changing bag or a light tight room, place the roll of film in the bulk loader. Be sure the trap door is in the locked position and then all other steps can be done in the light. Just be sure you move the trap door to the open position for rolling the film, and closed for opening the lid to remove cassette.

Have fun. take your time so you don't forget which step you are on, opening the loader when the trap is open is a painful expense experience. Other than that it is not a difficult process.

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Chris, what you describe is the way Ilford's bulk film comes in. The box itself should be opened in complete darkness, as the black bag containing the film roll in there is not sealed. This was a very nasty surprise to me the first time. I did not notice the small fine print on the box that warned about it. On the other hand, Kodak bulk rolls come in a similar box, but inside there's a sealed metal can which in turn contains a black bag and the film inside. If you are used to Kodak's excellent packaging, then be careful with Ilford.
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