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Weird White Residue on Negatives


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I have just developed a roll of APX 100 in Rodinal 1+50. I used the

same procedure and chemicals as I always do: Rodinal, Ilford Stop

Bath, Ilford Rapid Fixer and Kodak Photo Flo. My results have always

been fine.

However, this time when my film had dried I noticed this white almost

powderey residue mainly on the edges of the film. It seems to just

wipe off.

Any ideas as to what it is and how to get rid of it?

Should I just wash the film again?


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Unnecessary refixing may lead to bleaching/stability trouble. Logically, a fluffy deposit came from the last liquid on the film. I don't care for wiping wet film, but a cheap, absolute way around mineral deposits is one, maybe two drops of photoflo in a cup of distilled water. Local water qualities vary through the year. Depending where you are, during the hot weather water is used, churned and pumped from deeper supplies than at other times.
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I agree with Philip that the problem could well be exhausted fixer residue. Washing or soaking the negs in PhotoFlo <i>will not</i> usually remove the residue AND if in fact the fix was exhausted then I wonder if the negs were indeed <i>properly</i> fixed?<p>It is with this in mind that I would not hesitate to refix the negs in freshly mixed fixer. Then wash and a soak in freshly mixed PhotoFlo (preferably mixed with distilled water if your tap water is mineral laden or if your water lines are old and scale ridden). I would then hang the negs to dry.<p>As Bob commented; unnecessary fixing (or over fixing) could theoretically lead to problems BUT in this case properly refixing the negs is the �better safe then sorry� approach that I would take.<p>And to once more agree with Bob; I too do not care to wipe wet film. I find no matter how careful I am I scratch my negs every time I wipe them.
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I ran into the same thing a short while back. It turned out to be the hypo clear I was using had some kind of junk from the film floating in it. Pour a little of your hypo clear into a clear cup or glass and see if this is the problem.


I dumped the dirty stuff, mixed a new batch, & ordered new funnels with filters in the bottom of them from B&H. Problem solved.

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Philip...to the best of my knowledge KHCS Kodak hypo clearing solution has a working solution life of just 24 hours (as does the working solution life of PhotoFlo). PhotoFlo tends to grow little beasties in it's working solution if left to long. Is it possiable KHCS does the same. Could anyone else comment on this?<p>Paula/Philip...I personally do not use KHCS unless I'm processing fiber based prints...for me it's just one more thing to buy and keep an eye on.<p>
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No problem Jim,


I didn't realize that hypo clear has a life of 24 hours. I just mixed a gallon and even recycle the stuff (pour it back in the container) when I get done using it.


I just started processing my B&W here at the house not long ago. Three years ago I took a couple of classes at a local community college that covered the basics of developing and printing your own prints, but the chemicals were always mixed and ready when I got there.


It was only recently that I got back into the B&W side of photography and I'm not sure why I stopped in the first place. This is where all the fun is.

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Thanks to you all for the help.


I ended up rinsing the negatives again and then soaking in a fresh batch of Photo Flo. (I was pretty sure my fixer was ok as I had only developed two previous films in it)

It worked, the white stuff was gone but I was left with a whole lot of water marks on the negatives.

Any suggestions?

Thanks again

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