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top rated photos


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I was wondering, how does one get his/her picture on the Top rated photos

page after, say 10 -13 ratings have been given for a picture. I have several

that fit this category and would love to see them on the top rated page, which i

visit often. Any help would be appriciated.

David A. DePasquale

i can be reached here or at positiveimage@verizon.net

thank you

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Which ones? Have you requested a critique to see how others

respond to your favorites?


You do realize that there are roughly 1000 images uploaded

every day here? Do you think some deserve to have more

visibilty than others? If so, what would be your selection



What I really want to know is why you want your images to

appear on the Top Pages? Think about it and let us know.

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The answer is easy, though the path is difficult:


Take photographs that deserve to be there.


The problem is, there are plenty of photos that deserve to be there and they can't all be there at once. You can, as has been suggested, pander to gimmics or nudity, or you can just accept that your photos may get good ratings or comments and never be featured on a "Top Photos" page. If you think your photos are good, then what more reassurance do you need? :)

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David, time frame may be an issue here. How long ago were these images posted? If it was within the last 3 days they should be in the "Last 3 days" view. If it was within the past week any of your images with 13 ratings should be there, but if it has been over 1 week since you posted these images you will no longer find your images in the top rated section.


Of course this is assuming the default search for number of ratings. There are other methods of searching the top rated pages such as average rating, number of comments.... Try some of those.

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actually, you just need visibility. the way to get the visibility is to be in the TPG....i know, "vicious circle"....one look in the gallery show that our community is "wow'd" more by digi-art then true, pure photography. look at the ratings, one of our highest rated is one of the cheesiest looking photoshop abominations i have ever seen. but then thats just my opinion. a few weeks back one of highest rated/viewed, was a stolen pic froma bikini MFG website. lots of 7/7's, wows, excellent!!!! please...after it was reveiled the photo was stolen, he still recieved high ratings and comments....typically though, great photos find their way to the TPG....

it gives me hope. some here are trying to keep to a high photographic standard, not resorting to cheap tricks, meant only for public affirmation...so my advice, leave lots of comments/critiques over time, if your photos are good, you'll see lots of them in the TPG.



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