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eos 10 d now or wait for nikon d2h in october

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thanks for your answer,


i used a f4s some years ago. A lot of guys told me canon AF

lenses are fastest than nikon ones. Today i need a digital

camera with new lenses to work with and i want to know if i'll can

work with a eos10d (i can't buy eso 1d) or if i have to wait the

D2H who seems to be more "professionnal"

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What is so professional about the D2h? What is so unprofessional about the 10d? Rather than look at silly marketing nomenclatures, why not just compare the features of both cameras and lens systems and determine which is the best one for you.


How much resolution do you need? The 1d is 4. The 10d is 6. I don't know what the d2h is. The 1d, 10d, d1x, d1h are every bit as competent as the next camera provided you choose the right tool for the task.


BTW, whatever speed increase you get from using a Canon lens over the Nikon lens, the difference will be really small. Both have AFS/USM lenses. Also, in the end, it's the camera that does the focusing, not the lens. The D2h should be much faster focusing than the 10d. Then again, you can use the 1d.


Also, why can't you buy the 1d but can buy the d2h? Since they'll both be about the same price, money doesn't seem to be the reason.

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<I>do you think its better to buy a eos10d now or wait for the new nikon d2h in october. Its not a question of money (difference is not so important) but i'm looking for best performance to work with. </I><P>

Here's my standard rant again (apologies to the regulars here):<P>


One <B>AGAIN</B> we have some newbie who expect us to <H3>READ HIS MIND</H3>


He offers <U>no clues</U> about his needs or requirements or how he intends to use his cameras or what the resulting photos will be used for, or whether he already owns Canon or Nikon gear but he expects us to help him pick his camera for him! What are these people thinking (or smoking) ?<P>


He also makes the rather bizarre observation that the price "difference is not so important" between two cameras with a greater than 2:1 price ratio, and over a $2000 difference in absolute terms.<P>


Furthermore, these are two VERY different cameras, aimed at two very different and clearly identified market segments.<P>

Personally, I think "nicolas" is a troll.

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The Nikon D1H already does a fine job of compeeing againstthe 1D, the D2H is 9at

least on paper) a better & more capable camera. But it really is "horses for courses" as

to which is the right one to buy. Are you a photojournalist, a dance or a sports

photographer, or even a fashion photographer? than the D2H will be the better

choice. If you just do portraits & weddings or just shoot for your own amusement?

The Nikon D100 orthe Canon 10D might be the better choice.<P>if you are a

professional photographer -- that is someone who makes their living from

photography and who has clients relying on you -- you won't just be buying one

body, you will be buying two.

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Keep in mind also October is the anticipated shipping date. Also the camera may be in very short delivery for the first couple months or so.


Can you tell us more about the type of photography you are into? How do you intend to use the camera? Do you have any SLR cameras right now? This way we can better answer your questions. This way Peter might not have his stroke <g>.

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I agree, if you're comparing the D100 and the 10D, well that's one thing. The new Nikon D2h will compare and hopefully exceed the 1D in many aspects given the fact it's newer, and it seems to solve my issues with the D1h. Since I could check out and use either, overall the 1D was much more capable in my use of the two. That is to be expected considering the release dates of the two cameras (duh).


AF with both systems is fast, if you use AFS on a top Nikon and a ring USM on a top Canon youll hardly notice a difference. On my highly subjective, although certainly not easy tests, both are competent and I can't say either is any better than another. If you are going to adjust to a whole new system because of that, then as they say "that's crazy talk."


Given your past experience with Nikon the D2h might be more favorable over adapting to another systems interface.

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Nikon has AF-S, Canon has USM. Canon IS, Nikon VR.

The D2h is a 4MP, the Canon 1D is also. The D2h should be optimised more, despite the 4MP same figure. Go thru the list of the Nikon and Canon lenses what is there that is not available?? Canon has a few nicer lenses like the 300mm prime f/1.8 or so .. and it cost $10,000AU. There are a 1200mm costing $30,000AU. Does one offer lenses you need over the other brand? You have used a F4, so I suggest a Nikon for you if you do not really need the lenses only Canon can provide.




The 1Ds is the same price as the D2h. B&H has it about $3600US, while the D2h is set to be $3500.


The Canon 10D and Nikon D100 are prosumer bodies like the F80. The 1D and D2h is like the F100/F5 bodies and to an extent like the F4. Its faster focussing and FPS. The D100/10D has more MP but lacks speed. Even thou, you don't need 3FPS the AF system is faster, so the pix may turn out nicer if you utlilsing dynamic focussing.


If you want a fast AF and high megapixels then the option is D1x (D2x) and the Canon 1Ds. More bucks ..




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Depends on what photography you into.

A prosumer DSLR is fine. But if you need speed then get the Nikon D1h/2h/1x/2x or the Canon 1D or 1Ds. Esp sport, wildlife photography.


If you into portraits, landscapes, architectural then get more MP and a slower one - like a D100 or 10D. Well 1D and D1x (D2x) is also good for MP but comes at a price.. (faster AF). But if you are shooting relatively non moving objects the faster AF is not so needed.

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You're comparing two entirely different categories of cameras. The 1D/D2H are high-speed action/sports cameras of higher cost. The 10D/D100 are general purpose, general photogaphy cameras of lower cost. Decide which category of camera would suit you the best, then decide which camera/system you prefer.
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The 1Ds is the same price as the D2h. B&H has it about $3600US, while the D2h is set to be $3500.


Correction the Canon 1D is priced at $3600US, the D2h is announced at $3500US, both action cameras 8FPS, 4MP for the sport, wildlife photographer or the photojournalist. Portrait and non moving photographer will prefer less speed but more MP.


What photographer do you do??

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<I>Good Lord, Peter. If the question had been posed according to your terms, would you then, indeed, be able to offer an opinion on the two digital SLR camera bodies?</I><P>


If the question had been posed according to <B>my</B> terms, i.e., some indication of thought prior to posting, then it's unlikely the poster would have requested a comparison between two such different cameras. <P>


But if he had then it would have been in the context of his intended use and then, <B>sure</B>, the two cameras could have been compared on that basis. <P>


It's a little bit as though someone posted that they couldn't decide between a Toyota Corolla sedan and a Lexus SUV. On the face of it the question seems silly so I'd be tempted to dismiss it as a troll or prank, as in "nicolas"' case. But if it had been accompanied by some explanation about how his search had narrowed down to those particular vehicles then it could have been answered in the context of his needs.

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Peter if the writer needed to put more thought into the original post, or is a troll - why bother even responding?


Think to remember a camera is not a car or SUV. For some the difference between $1500 for the 10d verses $3500 for the D2h may matter little. It is either the potential quality or perceived quality that they seek. Just look at threads like "should I buy the Rebel Ti or the Elan 7 or the EOS 3?" Suddenly everyone comes out of the woodwork pushing the higher end. I too used to do this. Once I started to sell cameras I found out that not everyone needs the highest end camera. It is looking at their needs and desires, and finding something that they can be happy with. Sell them short, and they'll be upset, and sell then high and they'll be upset. So the task is to find a happy middle.


Also not all users here write English as their first language. And for that reason they are short and what they think is to the point. To the rest of us it seems that they are just fishing. There are those of us that are willing to try and draw them out so that we all can learn and help.


In the end if you are tired of threads like this then pass it on by.

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