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So whats up with this 100 speed film.

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From all i've read so far 100 speed film is supposed to have a very

fine grain, so far i've had some pretty bad luck with it. Can anyone

please explain why my 100 and 200 speed Fuji Superia films produce a

grainy image at any mode (daylight/night) while the 400 speed film

gives me great looking pictures.

I process at Walmart and get the negs scanned directly onto CD.


EOS Rebel G and a Sigma lens if that makes a difference.



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It would be a good idea to post a couple examples, but my initial guess is: your photos are under-exposed. Remember that as you move to lower ISO values, your shutter speed needs to go down (i.e. longer shutter speeds) or your aperture needs to be bigger (or both)


Of course, this isn't any different than the comments you already got here:


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I agree with Bill. Superia 100 really sucks. I always use Reala at 100 speed and Superia at 400. Superia 400 has a somewhat larger but softer grain compared to Superia, and is slightly warmer. Forget Superia 100, give Reala a try. Reala is very good at skin tones, where Superia 100 gives a terrible red grain.
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Oh thank god I can blame it on the tools this time ;-) when Rob posted about bumping up aperture and longer shutter speeds I thought damn I must suck at this.. well for the sake of learning I still belive I suck at this but its for the better.. thanks rob.


I'm not sure what scanner walmart has but the machine they use for printing is a Fujifilm (something).


Here are some crops from both the films, if I try using the gimp curve tool for playing around with the colours and I can actually see the red grain on a white subject on a 100 film.. i havn't tried a similar shot on the 400 yet.


so anyway i'll try picking up a reala, wonder what I can do with the 3 remaining rolls of superia i have!!


thank you all on the replies.


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