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POW rules inconsitent?


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I posted a comment that goes against the general positive trend for

the current POW and others critiqued my comments and some others.

Their comments WERE NOT DELETED as promised by the moderators.


Later on, 2 of my comments were deleted because I mentioned that the

photographer of the POW should not be telling us how/what to think

for his POW entry. Such comments of mine were not accepted but the

POW photographer's own irrelevant comments about others were accepted.


Where is the consistency in protecting freedom of speech and

thoughts? Must POW always be along a positive trend of comments?


Why put up a POW for comments then if all you want to hear is

positive comments?


For the record, I did not use the word "crap" or "it sucks", but got

lectured instead as to how I should THINK ABOUT THE POW.



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Travis, I am not the moderator for this forum. However, I do know that certain threads stay in archives because they are helpful. Other threads stay in help and feedback because it gives info to others who may ask the same questions in the future. <p>This thread may end up as many conversational threads do which is deleted within a certain number of days automatically. Unless it stays in Help and Feeback and is not moved to General (Unarchived). <p>I am sorry that you perceived other people were critiquing your comments. Feel free to point to exactly which ones say "travis" or repeat what you said and then attacked you. I'm open to hearing your case. Your's was deleted not because you took any negative position...but because it was a direct attack. Sorry you have taken it so personally.
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One don't have to mention my name to see who they were attacking.


POW chosen for positive and negative discussion? I doubt so. Not everyone is talking about the picture per se. Most of them talk about other commentators' comments, and nothing was done. Follow the pack, and one will be safe. Leave the pack, be quiet and just listen.


Go read it, instead of picking on minors like me.

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Travis -- doesn't seem like we are on the same page.... Why don't you make a copy of the page and then compare it one day later...

ANYONE who starts going into POW policy on that page instead of a separate forum gets deleted or edited. People are allowed to disagree with other members! As long as they are civil and back up thier position. Some are actually not civil but I can't go in and edit everything -- only the comments that will start a war or a snowball effect. You just can't please everyone.. This week is a particularly non-peaceful week. I spend a good 1-2 hours a day - volunteer - on this page. I do my best as many know to be fair minded. I will ask you however, to stop commenting on policy on that page again! Please e-mail me if you have a problem with an inflammatory comment made by someone else that you take personally and if I agree -- I'll delete or edit it.

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Travis, there is a difference between disagreeing with another's

opinion, and attacking the man (or the woman). The POW in

question was supposed to induce discussion, and it succeeded

spectacularly well, although the discussion is apparently not

quite like that expected. I have learned a lot from reading the

responses in that thread and have enjoyed it more than most

POW discussions.


There are obviously at least two diametrically opposed positions

on the originality issue in regards to landscapes of 'familiar'

locations, but I do not see the 'pack' you allude to, no dominant

position. I see a lot of reasonable people disagreeing on

reasonable grounds. The forum adminstration seems to only get

involved if one's opinions start to be of a personal, rather than a

rational nature. No one is picking on anyone. We have all simply

agreed to disagree, and have tried to explain why.


Mary, thank-you for your time, effort, and good will.

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I've no doubt your efforts are well-intentioned, but they are inelegant at best, and may be likened to a 'bull in a china shop' at worst. You tend to mangle more than clarify. Sometimes you identify where you have trampled, sometimes not. If you don't have the time or the inclination to do this right, then why do it at all? Just wondering...

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<i>If you don't have the time or the inclination to do this right, then why do it at all? Just wondering...</i>




First, I think Mary is doing a wonderful job. Second, I think she has every intention of doing it right, but as volunteers our time is limited. There aren't too many people around who are capable and available to do this job. And the job does need to be done. Compared to the earlier days of POW, when the loud-mouths would regularly take over the discussion, I think we've made quite an improvement (both in POW selection by "employing" about 20 volunteer Elves and in the discussion by having a forum and moderator).

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Hokum - I'm sorry you feel that way. Any time you feel I've changed the meaning of something - feel free to write to me and I'll evaluate it. I'm not perfect but I try. I read every single line - every single day and try - as Patrick has rightly pointed out - to keep things on track and constructive as well as fairly civil. <p>You might be very surprised to hear that 95% if not 98% of the e-mail I get regarding edit's and deletes from the very people I've edited or deleted write to me with apologies and/or agreement and understanding for the edit/delete I've done. I save the e-mails because on those rare occassions that I make someone unhappy - or do an imperfect job... I have to remind myself that most of the time I do the right thing and I'm only human. Since most members write and tell me I'm doing a good job - I keep doing what I do. If I start to get a majority of members complaining - Well, then I'll re-evalute my decisions. Again, please let me know when - in your opinion - I've made a bad decision. I encourage open dialog and will look into it. <p>Thanks Patrick for your encouraging words and appreciation...
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