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Can I reuse illford rapid fixer

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I usually use kodak fixer but I was feeling too lazy to heat and mix

powder so I bought the illford liquid rapid fixer. Very convenient I

must say. But it dosent say anything about being able to reuse it. I

usually reuse Kodak fixer 1 or 2 times. Can I reuse illford? Its the

one that reccommends diluting 1:4...

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Time how long it takes to clear film with fresh fixer. (You can turn on the room

lights after the film has been in the fixer for about 30 seconds.) Fix for twice

the clearing time. Keep using the fixer until it takes twice as long to clear as it

did with fresh fixer. Then it's time to mix a new batch.

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Ditto - I reuse mine. I put a tick mark on the masking tape label for each use and begin checking clearing times as I approach 10 reuses per liter. In my experience it isn't usually necessary to check clearing times for fresh fixer up to five reuses.


Age may also be a factor, tho' I've reused paper fixer for up to six months. I mix up a gallon at a time so it lasts quite a while.

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Yes. On the bottle of concentrate it will give you a guide to the

capacity of the fixer in films per litre or sheets of 10x8 paper per

litre - note different dilutions. Like Lex I put an adhesive label on

the bottle and chalk up each film fixed. And I also check clearing

time with a piece of scrap film. Fix for twice the clearing time. As

advised above, replace the solution when the clearing time is

double that of fresh solution then it's time to renew.

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Yes, as stated, it can be reused many times over. You can take an exposed

leader of film and, in daylight, put it in the fixer to see how long it takes to clear

and or get the Hypo test which all you need is the very small dropper bottle

and put a drop or two in the fixer. If you get a cloudy percipitate, dump the

fixer. As you reuse your fixer over and over, you will need to closely monitor

because of sudden failure... it does come on quickly!

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