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why doesnt become my bw film transparent while processing

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i develloped two films, one hp5 and one pan-f in tetanal ultrafin plus

and both times happened the same: the film didnt became transparent,-

although it seems the films are develloped,- at least i can see the

images which are in the film, but the film is not transparent,- so who

can i use them? why can this happen? i develloped app.5 minutes with

ultrafin plus 1+4 in a jobo atl 1000 processor

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Sounds like a problem in the fixer. Put a snip of leader in

your fixer in daylight and watch it. It should become clear

in a couple of minutes or less, depending on the fixer type.

When you fix the film, leave it in the fixer for twice the time

it takes the leader to clear.


Your existing films may be salvagable by re-fixing and re-washing.


I may be misunderstanding your problem entirely, though.

Unfixed film is opaque and/or milky white. Is that what

you're seeing?

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Film is not perfectly transparent. The unexposed areas of

properly processed film have a slight, uniform fog due to the

action of the chemicals. This fog should be a whole lot less

dense than the images, except for the darkest shadows or

underexposed areas of the images. If your fog is so dense that

you can't print on a number 4 paper, say, then you have a

problem of light fogging your film or inadequate fixing.

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