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Nikon Wednesday 2020: #17

Matt Laur

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Hope this Nikon Wednesday finds everyone safe and sound in these strange times - and that there's a spot in this group's brains for some photographic adventure and joy, or at least some comfort in a familiar pursuit. Despite the global challenge, it's pleasant to watch the season do what it does, and just wallow in it a bit. This afternoon, I noticed the light doing that spring light thing, and of course it was falling on the back yard blooms and buds. So: flowers! I know there will be more, so let's see 'em. These were with the D810 and a 24-70/2.8.



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Taken in Jack E. Hill Park, Elk Grove, CA 16 April 2020 3:24 PM

Nikon D750 1/1250 sec, f/8, ISO 640 (Auto) Tamron SP 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD A009N @ 135mm Range: 4.73 Meters

California Poppies - the state flower


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I actually managed to shoot before Wednesday as well for once, but my Macbook had some issues with the processing, so I'm late again. Typical software engineer, blame the hardware.


Matt requested flowers. Normally I'd go to the bluebell woods where my mum's ashes are scattered this time of the year, but due to the lockdown I can't - so here are some local ones instead. (Not my finest effort, but the skies aren't blue enough today for a re-shoot.)



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That was a 14-24. These are with my Laowa 2.5-5x macro Christmas present. Turns out it's quite hard to hand-hold for flowers in the wild, especially if they're in a breeze and you're balancing the camera on finger tips because of the angle. I tried a focus stack, but the wobble is bad enough that rolling shutter (live view) gave differently-shaped and sized images, so a tidy depth of field it is. I think this first was 2.5x (full frame).



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