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Gear storage ideas

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Between my partner and I, we have an absolute load of gear - tripods, light/background stands, scrims, reflectors, spare lights, drones, lenses, spare (camera) bodies, camera bags, light stand bags, etc etc. At the moment it's spread between a pile on the floor and once of those cube bookcases, but it looks messy and now we're doing the iso thing, we've got a bit of time to make it better.


I'd love to see what your storage is like, or even your dream storage room!

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I have used a large metal cabinet in my studio for a long time (30 years). It holds a lot of gear and keeps most of the dust out. It isn't an aesthetic masterpiece but it is relatively cheap and functional. My tripods are too large to fit so they live outside the cabinet.
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Large stationary cabinet works well - big clear plastic storage tubs could be effective. My background stand and light stands are in the corner of a closet, tripods and monopod behind a door that is always open. Sounds as if you have more and more varied gear than I. One solution in a previous house was a counter unit with lots of storage with shelving above across the entire end of a room. Good luck!
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I keep it all in different camera bags. The news business made me one of those people who has to have at least one spare everything and now my set up is such that no matter what bag I grab heading out the door I will have a basic set of lenses, accessories and at least one digital and one film body. The lightest one only weighs a ton.


Rick H.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My colleague-wife and I both accumulated professional books, and, frankly, also lots of other "stuff".


Our solution was to add on to the house, twice,


but like building multiple-lane highways to relieve pressure on other, older highways--the new space soon fills up....:oops:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am with AJG on this one. Perhaps it is because we both have journeyed through a traditional studio route. Nowadays I have two metal filing cabinets, my tripods, monopod, lighting stands and my one camera stand live outside those filing cabinets.


Additionally, I don’t like wood enclosures, wood absorbs moisture. I don’t like storage in sealed containers or camera bags, because airflow is important.


Also the filing cabinets are housed against an inside room wall and in a room away from the Bathrooms and the Kitchen.



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