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D810: burst mode?

John Di Leo

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1) I occasionally shoot street with my d810. Is it possible with a single trip of the shutter button to fire off more than one shot in a burst, eg 3 or 4 rapid sequence exposures with one press of the shutter?

2) can that be done in mirror up mode? Mup?

3) In mirror up mode can the self timer be used?



I have looked for the answers, but finding none, I presume it does not exist??

I was shooting the super moon last night with the mirror up and tried to use the self timer, but it seemed the Mup and self timer were mutually exclusive, one or the other... And there were some fast moving clouds, hence the question about burst and self timer.


I did get this though with the 70-200--@200, 1/250 f11 iso160839946631_PinkSuperMoon04072020-101.thumb.jpg.c4d76ddfd183b03799bd474dd003c70d.jpg

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Is it possible with a single trip of the shutter button to fire off more than one shot in a burst, eg 3 or 4 rapid sequence exposures with one press of the shutter?


I do not have a D810, but looking at the manual...


1) Set the shutter release to CL

2) Set custom setting d3 to the number of frames you want to take between 1 and 100 (See page 322 in the English version of the manual)

3) Set custom setting d2 to the maximum frame rate (the rate will slow as you fill the buffer) (See page 321 in the English version of the manual)


It should work.


Setting d4 may obviate the need for the self timer.

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Just tried on my D810 - bgelfand's suggestion works - the custom setting shooting display menu in the camera lists up to 6 shots. You do need to shift the knob from s to cl.

Rarely use burst, and haven't got the menu immediately at hand, suspect as suggested you can get many more shots than 6. Quite an amazing camera.

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Thank y'all SO MUCH, Great, and Yes, Sandy, an amazing camera.


I was pleased how the image held up after cropping in on LR. Much larger and pixels start to appear. I was on a solid tripod, self timer, 1/250 and even then the mirror slap affected sharpness. The above was shot with Mup, manual focus, live view.

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That works! The shutter must be held down for the duration of the exposures, but I set it at 6fps, 3 exposures and I think I'll remember!

Yes, using the d4 delay removes the need for the self timer, so that works.

I pushed my luck to see if I could get a burst, with a delay, with the mirror up. no go ;), but I really wasn't looking for that anyway.

Thanks all, yes, great camera.

I shot the above with the Mup. Even at 1/250, the mirror slap affected sharpness. I was surprised how well the image held up under significant cropping in LR--another testament to the camera and the lens

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That works! The shutter must be held down for the duration of the exposures, but I set it at 6fps, 3 exposures and I think I'll remember!

You can use a cable remote for his, either from Nikon(expensive..) or from a third party manufacterer(cheaper, but possibly less quallity), i am not sure if keeping the shutter down can be done by radio remote..

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