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Film Camera Week for July 12

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Greetings all and welcome to our new thread. Post all the images you want from any film camera. I'll start with some images from a roll of Plus-X that I processed and scanned yesterday. I used a Pentax ZX5 with Pentax SMC A 50mm f 2.


wall in late morning sunlight


granddaughter ready to start her busy day


only part of parking lot that was not crowded


green transportation


one of many buses on Mississippi State campus

I like the combination of manual focus 50mm f 2 on the ZX-5. Almost as quick as autofocus. And since the AF went south on the ZX-5 a couple of years ago I'm happy enough using the A series Pentax lenses.

One more.


getting griddle ready at Mt. Fuji (Tupelo)- In foreground two seasoning shakers are in silhouette and were the point of focus.

Might have some more images later in weekend. Looking forward to seeing everyone's images.

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So I thought one of my Nikon F cameras had a problem with the shutter. It did. ME!!!!!! After rewinding a roll and reloading I had not turned the collar all the way back to the A position from the R/rewind. This messed up the shutter operation although the film could be advanced. Once I worked out what I had done I ran a roll through to test. All these are Nikon F, Nikkor 50mm-S f/1.4 on long long expired Kodak Ektar Epson Scan.





Edited by graham_evans|2
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As the roll of Rollei RPX 25 got flung into the garbage in a fit of rage earlier this week I have nothing new to share....


So digging through the archive I bring you some German motorcycles from The Island event back in 2018






Zorki I(d), Jupiter-3 50mm f1/.5, Kodak Double-X

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Here are a few from a Voigtlander Vitessa that I had the pleasure of using last weekend, a magnificent camera with the superb 50mm Ultron f/2 lens. The film was Arista EDU Ultra 100 developed in PMK Pyro.


Ultron #7




Ultron #4




Ultron #2




Ultron #8




Ultron #3



















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Here are a few from a Voigtlander Vitessa that I had the pleasure of using last weekend, a magnificent camera with the superb 50mm Ultron f/2 lens. The film was Arista EDU Ultra 100 developed in PMK Pyro.


Ultron #7




Ultron #4




Ultron #2




Ultron #8




Ultron #3


















The Ultron really is a gorgeous lens! My Vito III folder has one and I love it.

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If no one minds - a blast from my very distant past. Saturday, June 20th, 1987 - at 11PM I got a call from a friend who said he'd been given two tickets in the bleachers at the Start/Finish line for the Detroit Grand Prix Formula 1 race the next day. Of course, all of the film I had in the house was Kodachrome 25 and 64! Not a single camera store would have been open the next day (Sunday closing laws of the time being what they were) so I shot with what I had.


Contax RTS II, Tokina f4 80-100. Aryton Senna about to cross the finish line to win the race. Still my favourite of all of the race photos I've shot over the years.

35844094122_afa57199ce_k.jpgimg667 by fiddlefye, on Flickr

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Great shot, Fiddlefye. Panning the car adds to the apparent speed of the vehicle. Of course, earlier in the decade before fast films improved, many sports photographers would pan with Kodachrome 64 and use fast glass such as 300mm f 2.8. Although push processing Kodachrome 64 wasn't done often, it was available on a limited basis. Of course, many photographers exposed it at E.I. 80 to gain some saturation. By the late 80's to early 90's Fujichrome and Ektachrome had fast films that had the image quality to satisfy magazine publishers. Also, Kodachrome 200 was available as well. Although grainier than its ISO 64 sibling, it had color that many liked. I shot a lot of it during the years it was available.
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