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Lower part of photo is dark/black. Not a flash-issue (curtain-sync).


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What is wrong ?

I saw the issue for the first time today.

It does not happen to all photos.

It can happen for single-frame, but also when shooting a sequence (Ch). When it's a sequence it can happen for any of the photos in the sequence.

It can happen for stills and for video.

It happens on both my 24-70/2.8 and 70-200/4.

So I guess it's a problem on the body (D800) ?

Is it a sensor-issue ?

Is it a shutter-issue ?

Is it an aperture-issue ?


Thank you,






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Well, it's entirely mechanical, rather than electronic.


The doorway and navy ship shots are dark stripes, the image brightens again at the frame edge.


The image of the boat mast has a slight diagonal/angled shading, darker at top for further out.


Knackered shutter or something oddly loose in the mirror box.


What i don't get is the video bit, there's no shutter at work, as such.


Can you 'see' it in LV?


Lock the mirror up and look into the mirror box. How are the shutter blades?


Fire off a few frames and see what you can see.

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Mirror problem can't happen in video. The OP said he had problem with video too.

Mirror trouble can happen in video if the mirror is not totally lifted,

Also if one of the dampening rubbers in the mirror box has come paartly looose i think..


Guess best thing is hand it over to a nikon service dept. and ask for a repair estimate, it will tell you what is wrong.

Might take some time though..

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Mirror problem can't happen in video. The OP said he had problem with video too.


Of course it can. The mirror is not properly flipping up but is hanging up on something so that is interferes with the image. This is almost certainly what is happening.

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Mirror problem can't happen in video. The OP said he had problem with video too.


I may be wrong, not owning or ever having used a digital SLR, but as far as I can tell, in order to use live view or video, the mirror must be up and the shutter must be open. Essentially, as far as the mechanical parts of the camera are concerned, video and live view are a 'B' exposure. So if the mirror hasn't lifted properly, or is rebounding, then it will be hanging down into the light path, cutting light from the bottom of the image.


It's worth having a look, as older cameras often used a bit of tape to cover the mirror hinge, which could eventually come unstuck, don't know if modern ones do though.


The instant return mirror is by far the weakest part of the SLR design, lots of ways it can go wrong.

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Ed, look at the bottom of the frame on the doorway shot and you can see it gets brighter again, particularly visible on the left hand side.


Your right . . . But, only in the corners which eliminates the shutter, which extends beyond the edge of the frame and increases the likelihood of it being a mirror problem. The mirror is smaller and as it moves up some light will be seen around the corners of the mirror.

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Jan, you might lock the mirror up for sensor cleaning or do a long exposure with the lens off. If you look straight at the camera with either of these two methods you should see if the mirror is completely out of the way. You could compare it to another camera. Good luck.
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