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Film Camera Week for April 19

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Greetings all and welcome to our new thread. Post all the images you like from any film camera. I'll start with some from a roll of Plus-X that I processed and scanned a few days ago.


Greenhouse, Nikkormat FT3, 50mm f 2 AI Nikkor


Greenhouse and nearby tree, same gear


Area behind Harned Biology building at MSU


Front of Harned

The little 50mm f 2 Nikkor is often overlooked because of the more popular f 1.4 50mm Nikkor, but it is a good lens in its own right. In the day it was a good value and what we would call today a "starter lens".

One more


Hilbun Hall

Looking forward to seeing everyone's images.

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I took a walk around town late yesterday afternoon with a Praktica BX-20 loaded with Ilford FP4 Plus, and fitted with a Pentacon Prakticar 35-70mm f/3.5-4.5 lens. The low light was very hard, but I think the film/dev combination handled the situation well.


















Four O'Clock











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Out on the rocks at the local brook with my 1957 Yashicamat. My legs turn 65 this year and are not as comfortable on said rocks as they once were. All shots on Tmax 400 rated about 320. F16 and 1/8 on the shutter speed.







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Here are four from the Minolta SRT-202 with the Minolta 35-70mm f/3.5 lens that I pictured in the "What camera..." thread. I used Arista EDU Ultra 200 film, having been told by a correspondent that the emulsion used for the 35mm stock is not the same as that which is used for the 120 rolls. I've had bad experiences with grain and defects with the roll film, so I was interested to try the 35mm 200 ISO. I'm impressed; it definitely appears different to me, with fine grain, no flaws and an excellent tonal range. I'll keep testing... The film was developed in PMK Pyro.


As for the camera/lens combination; well, sometimes I wonder why I bother using anything else...


Boutique Beer








Shadows #1













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To keep things going on this Easter Sunday.


Closer view of piano at abandoned house. Several weeks back I had a view of same house at 50mm. This is at the 200mm setting of the Maxxum 100-200 f 4.5 (the mini beercan). Often overlooked in favor of the 70-210 f 4 or compact 70-210i f 3.5-4.5 it is a nice performer even wide open. Camera was an 8000i with Tri-X


At 100mm setting. These images taken from across a two lane highway.

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