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W/NW Pic-O'-The-Week #34

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Yes, billblackwellphotography, a great shot.

Mine are pedestrian, in contrast. I have gone into 'successive' debt, having paid off the monochrom, to purchase a M type 240 (colour!!). So, I tried it out last night, with the sf40 (following advice from good contributors here), on 'A' priority; summicron collapsible @ f5.6, at my local watering hole over dinner, Wingham bowling club. It attracts a range of people:




This is an old 'timber getter'. Wingham was established as a cedar getting colony, and persisted on tree slaughter thereafter. Still does to some extent, but now it's the eucalypt forests



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Pushed the wrong button; more to come.


And old soaks, who seem to defy the limits on the human body's capacity to deal with alcohol. It beggars my mind that they don't self combust. But there you go. Whether it's cheap booze, or Napa Chardonnay, it all ends up as piss:



The club also attracts 'middle' aged lovers:


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As a finale to these 'happy snaps' - though the M type 240 seems a really good picture taker, the colour less 'plastic' than my Nikon, and the sf 40 seems to work well on 'A', perhaps a bit too overblown in the highlights, and the colour cast is something I'll try to learn about. One shot with my zorki 5, and fed 5cm collapsible lens, with film, developed in the dregs of Ilfosol (before I go over to try 'catechol'). I think I'll miss the vagaries of Ilfosol, or at least, I hope that I will. Note the cataract in his right eye. We have a 'universal', paid by tax levy, health scheme here in Oz. It really works with catastrophic or emergency (eg road and other trauma, infarct, the cancers, etc), but for chronic conditions, you just go on a waiting list, and here in rural arcadia, the hinterland, you can wait forever. Regards, Arthur (apiarist1)


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What is the dome reflection?

Water on the roof?

I initially thought it was the sun piercing through the clouds onto the dome, but I now see it was light reflecting off of the deck (it rained off-and-on all day yesterday); a very strange effect! To be honest, I did't really notice it until you pointed it out.

The future ain't what it used to be ...

– Yogi Berra


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I'll post one similar to Bill's initial, but of a newer nature, my M262 outfit. The body, purchased new a couple of years ago, the 21, 35 and most recently the 135 APO, all purchased new, then picked up the 90 APO, used but virtually mint, on my last trip to San Francisco and a trip to the Leica Store.....I am certainly glad there is not one of those stores in Dallas, LOL...



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As I didn't start the thread yesterday, I didn't say anything, but now, I just want to say that in the long history of this thread, going back to way before I began starting it (I'm NOT a forum moderator), photos of cameras have been discouraged. I don't want to damper anyone's enthusiasm, or come off as a censor, but we're now having too many photos of cameras instead of photos by cameras. You can do want you want, but would it be possible to limit camera porn on the pic-of the-week- thread? If you want to share pics of your Leica's and/or other cameras, please start a thread for that.
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... I don't want to damper anyone's enthusiasm, or come off as a censor, but we're now having too many photos of cameras instead of photos by cameras. You can do want you want, but would it be possible to limit camera porn on the pic-of the-week- thread? If you want to share pics of your Leica's and/or other cameras, please start a thread for that.

Well, I suppose it's just as well I posted the last of my FrankenLeicas this week. So there will be no more 'selfies'. ...

The future ain't what it used to be ...

– Yogi Berra


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