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Black or Chrome M7??


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grant, thanks very much. Somehow I figured you'd say something like that, but it's good to hear it from a master, gives it a sense of validation.


You're right about materialism, but it aplies to everything and it's been around since man got the second loin cloth. What can one do about it except to change oneself and not follow the lemmings.


Your style reminds me of a "crazy wisdom" master. Here's a definition for those who don't understand:




An important aspect of the Vajrayana path is that of the Crazy Wisdom guru or master. The object of this teacher is to shake the student from his usual complacent and unaware state to one in which he is capable of receiving direct transmission of teachings.


One of the forms that Padmasambhava took was as 'Crazy Wisdom Guru'. He is recognisable in Tibetan art in this form as a wrathful figure riding on the back of a pregnant tigress. This form of wisdom is totally fearless and is not constrained under the normal rules of any particular doctrine, but is capable of doing anything to take the student into an appropriate state for reception of teachings. It is known for being totally spontaneous and acting in the moment of the circumstances."


Thanks again.

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Black and chrome cameras and lenses have alternated in user's favor ever since the invention of the camera. Leica's first cameras were black and the late 1950's saw a resurgence of black as the "professional" look. I am told that this had to do with wartime photography, reducing reflections so as to avoid being targeted by enemy gunfire. Some cameras also came in olive (rare Canon F1 from the 1970's, current Voigtlander rangefinder). I chose the silver look for my M7 because it matches better with older screwmount Canon Serenar lenses I like to use occasionally. But I am also not going to be in the line of fire any time soon..., I hope.
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A black camera, black half-case, black strap...put in little black bag, black inside, black outside, with black zipper, black zipper pull, black zipper tape...put inside big black bag, black inside, black outside, with black zipper, black zipper pull, black zipper tape, black velcro, black velcro strip.


The Japanese started this...the black amp or vcr with black letters on black dials and switches...the black Nikon F...


Just say "no" to black (on black on black on black on black....)

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