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New No Words Zombies

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  • 3 weeks later...
It appears that the neophyte zombies alluded to are being faintly nudged to comply with the flow of someone’s gastric juices. Sheeesh! Seems they find NW history much more interesting and varied a bit less boring than recent offerings. It’s also not easy to navigate within nebulous, you should pardon the expression, boundaries. An approximate time zone would be nice.
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Some, myself included, find the resurrection of years (even decade +) old No Words boring / annoying.

Others do not and are certainly welcome to "chew the gum" yet again.

Some apparently find it amusing to elicit responses to zombie posts and tabulate the results.

No imposition of rules implied or intended, just an alert for any who might care.

Not a lot different than reporting spam.

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I do not take a position on this topic. But have noticed that there are so many themes and the permutations are limited. How often will we expect to see RED or THREE or BLACK and WHITE. It is a statistical formula. 365 days times 10 posters equals X number of items per year and so on. Not a bother. I really would hesitate to use the pejorative zombie. Pictures is pictures and no one need resist an urge. I think.
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Inevitably, there will be the same themes. No issue -- reviving the same thread from the distant past? Not my cuppa, however no intent to impose rules. I will call it out as I would spam for the benefit of those who might be interested. This is not unique to No Words -- ancient questions, long answered or irrelevant seem to pop up frequently nowadays.
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Dunno -- I called it out, in my case, photo I liked, just taken and posted as a No Words. Open it up more -- Chromes taken who knows when -- something I certainly do on occasion. In my mind, pick the theme from the past, Say, Warships (don't know if that was one.) If I wanted to revisit the theme, (no disrespect to the past, ex. technology) I'd start a new thread. Different strokes! It's all good (pretty much!)
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Does the chewing gum lose its flavor on the bedpost.

Chewing gum does. Not sure about old photos. The pepper and the moonrise have held up pretty well despite all the chewing they've endured! ;-)

what about zombie images where the same images are posted in different threads?

I keep all the No Words photos I've posted in a folder on my desktop, and filter through it if I think I may be repeating one, because I prefer not to repeat. I find that more of a challenge. I've realized once or twice that I've repeated something and no one's ever given me a demerit, at least to my knowledge. If I don't have something available for a theme, I either go out and shoot something new (which can be great fun and also inspirational) or I just skip the thread. That's just my personal choice. I don't expect others to do the same.


The guidelines actually state that we're not to post an image to more than one thread and I've seen photos deleted by the site for that reason, though I've seen repeats a lot and deletions of them are rare, thankfully.

Edited by Norma Desmond
We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!
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"...The guidelines actually state that we're not to post an image to more than one thread and I've seen photos deleted by the site for that reason, though I've seen repeats a lot and deletions of them are rare, thankfully..."


Are you referring to the guidlines for the NWF? They don't state anything like this at all, nor has there been any deletions because of this, at least by me. The actual guidline is that one must not post multiple images into the same NWF thread. This is meant to stop those who wish to monopolize the forum and showcase their work in the NWF instead of the in the Gallery. There have been people like that in the past. The guidline continues that one must start only a single thread per 24 hour period. Same reason, to prevent monopolizations and showcasing. But you may contribute to as many pre-existing threads as you like, even the same image if it is appropriate to the thread's subject.

Edited by WJT
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Thanks, Walt. No, I didn't think I saw it in the No Words guidelines. I thought it was in one of the more overall site guidelines directives. I can't find those now and it may have been in the old PN. Recently, a PN friend contacted me through private message to tell me one of his photos was removed because he had posted it to another thread, but perhaps he was mistaken or I misunderstood what he was telling me. Anyway, glad to know that's one less rule I have to think about.


Unfortunately, I can only participate in about 6 threads a day for the last 2 months because of a software glitch that generates an error message for about 8 hours after I've posted a few times in one day. So, I actually cannot contribute to as many pre-existing threads as I like, but I get your point and appreciate the clarification.

We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!
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Thanks, Walt. No, I didn't think I saw it in the No Words guidelines. I thought it was in one of the more overall site guidelines directives. I can't find those now and it may have been in the old PN.



I actually do remember running across this PN rule as well, i.e., you may not post the same photo to multiple threads. I remember it because it struck me as an odd rule and because I had violated it quite a few times without knowing there was such as rule. But you're right, it might have been in the old PN.

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I don't see what difference it makes whether a picture is posted to a themed thread started this week, or one with the same theme started a year or more ago, unless there is a rule that we must only post newly-taken pictures.


I have started marking the photos that I have posted in a NW thread, so as not to reuse them in another. I haven't been taking any new stuff for a while, so I'll run of good stuff (or even mediocre stuff) before very long.


At the Large-Format Photography Forum (Large Format Photography Forum) they have threads which have been running for years for some image-sharing categories. So for example under Image Sharing (LF), the thread 'Post your trees!' is currently at page 552 of posts, and 'Flowers, anyone?' is up to page 302. Before I registered there, I spent quite a while browsing a few of the long threads. As far as I can tell, they don't do a 'no words' rule anywhere; someone is always saying 'Great, Jerry! How did you meter that?'

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I actually do remember running across this PN rule as well, i.e., you may not post the same photo to multiple threads. .


I was just re-reading my response. The rule that I had noted wasn't abut posting the same image to multiple threads in the same forum It was about posting the same image in multiple forums -- which makes even less sense.

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