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Chromira print in Europe?

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I live in Bulgaria, Eastern Europe and unfortunately the Chromira machine that worked at one place here closed down - due to low quantities and economical reasons


Can you please give me some places that still print on Chromira machine and I could sent files and receive prints by post?


I found out some print houses in USA but the prices were… way out of space for me! once here the prices were even lower than the inkjet print (like Epson or HP)

also the shipping cost will be much higher from the states


thanks in advance

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There are some in the UK, which is still tenuously in Europe until our Brexit madness reaches its grim conclusion :-(


I imagine this forum will mess up the paragraphs in this post, but hopefully you can still click the links:








This is just from a quick search - I can't vouch for them personally. Some only use Chromira for larger format prints. If you just want cheap prints on photographic paper and it doesn't have to be Chromira, you might try Photobox (which I have used):



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miracuosly I found a place here using another machine - something like Durst - I don't know if it's correct - and I am extremely happy! the process is the same and the photo print is great! the prices of these places posted above are way out of my budget… can you please recommend me also an online shop in England that sell Velvia? Thanks again :)
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Possibly the best value- and fast- place in the UK for Chromira prints is Printspace in London. www.the printspace.co.uk. You will need to upload a print-ready file, and they have profiles you can download for each of the papers they offer.


You are right that Durst make (or made) a machine using similar technology to the Chromira. Also the LightJet machines are again delivering a similar output. All these machines use real photographic paper to make prints digitally.


You might want to add Discount Films Direct to Mr Williams' list of online film suppliers. They sell 120 film, which if you are making prints almost a metre long, I imagine that's what you will use.

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