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My "new" Sony A700


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<p>Hello all! I just scored a Sony A-700 with a DT 30mm f2.8 Macro SAM lens. I will apologize in advance for so many pictures - I'm addicted to Camera Porn -mine or someone else's!<br>

<img src="http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5517/11766973374_bb68ac1323_z.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="428" /><br>

The best tech 2007 could offer!</p>

<p><img src="http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2887/11778778984_e9d61ec649_z.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="428" /><br>

Fairly hefty with a nice big grip. A little bigger than the A200/300 but doesn't really feel much heavier.</p>

<p><img src="http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5503/11779380155_78af3893b1_z.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="428" /><br>

The lens will do 1 to 1 in macro but you end up right on top of your subject. That may not work well for "live" subjects</p>

<p><img src="http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5517/11766828703_c199ce954a_z.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="428" /><br>

I do like the "direct" function buttons on the top deck but the Drive mode, White Balance and ISO are a little awkward to reach. The Exposure/Flash compensation button is right behind the shutter release which is great.</p>

<p><img src="http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3706/11780761736_c371f4b773_z.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="428" /><br>

The rear control layout is pretty similar to the A200/300. There is a Custom button that can be programed to display different functions and there is a selector switch for selecting different Metering Areas. There is also a Auto Focus/Manual Focus push button on the back plus there is a Selector on the front bottom left AND a AF/MF switch on the lens itself. The SAM lens doesn't disengage using the the two on-camera MF selectors, it only goes into MF when you use the lens switch.</p>

<p><img src="http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5481/11787103896_9b9941fa8d_z.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="428" /><br>

Here it is with the A300 for a size comparison. Missing from the picture is the A200 (because I had to use it to take the picture!) Of course, the A200/300 is the same camera - the only real difference is the A300 has the tilting live view LCD screen. I actually bought the A300 new and then happened to find a A200 for a good price and bought that for the wife to use.</p>

<p>Mike : D</p>


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<p>It's interesting to see the evolution from Minolta's 7D, some of which is clearly evident on the A700, and how much of it has dropped from Sony's latest and greatest APS-C flagship, the A77. I owned the 7D and can see how easy an upgrade it would be for someone to move up to the A700. Lots familiar there.</p>

<p>Thanks for sharing.</p>

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<p>Not having used a 7D, I can't make any comparisons but I "downgraded" to the A700 because it has more image control than the A200/300 that I use. I thought that I'd miss the live-view the most because I seem to use it all the time with A300 to compose shots however, the VF is quite good on the A700 and I don't mind having to use it.</p>

<p>I do like the direct access buttons for the exposure compensation, white balance, drive mode and ISO settings where you can change settings using the thumb wheels without having to go through the function menu. If you do use the Fn button, it highlights the function on the LCD screen and you can move through the different functions by using the joystick. I also like being able to change the metering mode by using the switch on the back of the A700 rather than having to use the Fn menu on the A200/300.</p>

<p>Plus going from 10.2 to 12.2 MP isn't bad either!</p>

<p>Mike : D</p>

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<p>Hi Michael........... congrats on the great "score" with your A700. I currently run the A100, 350 and 700. They are all great cameras, each one a little better than the last.<br>

I certainly don't miss the "Live View" option as I never use it. I got such a good deal on the A350 (back then) that whether I wanted/did not want the live-view, never entered the equation. I'm still a view-finder man.<br>




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<p>Thank you Grayham! The A300 was the first Sony for me and wearing glasses, I found the live view to be easier than the VF. I don't see it as a detriment for the A700, but I do miss not having the LV for high/low angle shots. I have just been experimenting shooting tethered to my laptop using the Sony software and having the images auto-imported into Lightroom</p>

<p>Mike : D</p>

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  • 2 months later...

<p>I worked my way from the A200, throughA350(because of live view) to the A700.<br>

Once I had used the 700, live view didn't seem so important any more, as the quality and the features, far outweighed the lack of live view.<br>

I now have the A77, but still use the 700 regularly. It's built like a tank and all controls fall nicely to hand.<br>

It's a classic.</p>

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<p>I just picked up an a700 myself. The camera is certainly nice and I don't really care for the SLT technology in my a77 or a37 - though the image quality is first rate. Right now I have a 10 (a200) 12 (a700) 16 (a37) and 24 (a77) megapixel cameras and all are good image makers. I think I like the a37 least of all because even when off the battery drains. I contacted Sony about it but of course they say there's nothing wrong, that that's normal.</p>
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