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Sony Sunday week 26 6/30/2013


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This week the clouds were moving around in an interesting fashion so I got some of this captured. The first

image was taken with no filter then with my polarized sunglasses used to darken the sky. No post processing

aside from cropping and resizing. The second was of a corn field under threatening skies and the last was of a

yard ornament just before the rain. Any cloud weather pics you might have had this week? Or any other ( up to

three with longest side no more than 700 pixels) you would like to exhibit. Post when ready.<div>00bmpi-541075784.jpg.f7df96e1ab227fed9dca25ce4e65e7cd.jpg</div>

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<p>Neat third shot, Randy. That isn't the home of former Buccaneers quarterback Vinny Testeverde is it? :)</p>

<p>For me it's an old favorite camera, a Minolta X-700, being used to test out this Agfa CT Presica slide film that showed up in the local camera store. It's almost certainly Fuji Provia 100F, and I shot a comparison roll on that film to verify. Yep. Looks like it to me!</p>

<p>My daughter, showing off her first fish...</p><div>00bmq2-541077184.jpg.846a27c78f8ae80e8bac32e944cd4ced.jpg</div>

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<p>Hi again all. Crazy hot weather out here in California. Reminds me of Texas. Wish we had those clouds out here Randy.</p>

<p>And since you posted up some kid photos Patrick I will follow suit with some photos of my daughter taken before the heat wave hit. Now all we do is sit around inside and watch the birds plummet to the ground as they burst into flames in mid air.</p>

<p><strong>NEX 7 w/speedbooster</strong><br /> <strong>Yashica ML 50/1.7</strong><br /> <br /> <em>Ummmm, daddy? Theres a Nazgul...</em><br /> <em><img src="http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2822/9112550556_42057cd0aa_c.jpg" alt="" width="534" height="800" /></em></p>

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<p><strong>NEX 7 w/speedbooster</strong><br>

<strong>Tamron 159a</strong></p>

<p><em>a study of swinging in three parts, No.3</em><br>

<em><img src="http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5504/9064457368_99853aaec7_c.jpg" alt="" width="534" height="800" /></em><br>

<em> </em><br>

<em><br /></em>(missed the focus on this a bit but I like the composition. and i wont even bring up the exposrure)</p>

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Patrick, don't know where Vinnie lives but he might have a ball like this. I used to tell my daughter that I would have to get out my razor and shave the fish we caught because they were not big enough to filet. David, those clouds have dumped about 4 inches of rain in the last 48 hours. All the kids are cute.
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<p>I didn't have time to post until today so I'm a day late! Went to the Gilmore Car Museum on Friday with my father-in-law and some friends. I took along my Sony A300 and 18-70mm kit lens.</p>

<p>I know we went to see the tractor show but, Gilmore is a world class car museum so I couldn't resist taking this shot -</p>


<p><img src="http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy66/riffeym/The%20Farm/Gilmore%20Tractor%20Show%202013/Gilmore_Terraplane_zpsd3e7f8a6.jpg" alt="" /><br>

<strong>1936 Hudson Terraplane</strong></p>


<p>Okay, some tractor pictures -</p>


<p><img src="http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy66/riffeym/The%20Farm/Gilmore%20Tractor%20Show%202013/Gilmore_SilverKing_zpsddfa628f.jpg" alt="" /><br>

<strong>Silver King</strong></p>



<center><img src="http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy66/riffeym/The%20Farm/Gilmore%20Tractor%20Show%202013/Gilmore_JD420HiTrac_zps49b36ece.jpg" alt="" />

<p><strong>John Deere 420 LP on a Vick's Hi-Trac conversion</strong></p>


<p>Mike : D</p>

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<p>Wow: some serious agricultural machinery there!</p>

<p>I'm running late too, but here are some film shots from Edinburgh a couple of weeks ago - Dynax 9 with a Sigma 18mm AF lens; FP4+ developed in Microphen.</p>

<p><a title="Old College, Universiry of Edinburgh by FlickrDelusions, on Flickr" href=" Old College, Universiry of Edinburgh src="http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3801/9163386259_47ce3c96df_c.jpg" alt="Old College, Universiry of Edinburgh" width="536" height="800" /></a><br>

Old College, University of Edinburgh</p>

<p><a title="Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh /2 by FlickrDelusions, on Flickr" href=" Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh /2 src="http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2888/9165608834_269804ed3d_c.jpg" alt="Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh /2" width="542" height="800" /></a><br>

Part of the Scottish Parliament</p>

<p><a title="Scott Monument, front by FlickrDelusions, on Flickr" href=" Scott Monument, front src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7348/9165605194_70d7fc0954_c.jpg" alt="Scott Monument, front" width="800" height="557" /></a><br>

The Scott monument from the front</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Thanks, Randy - the focus does search a bit, but with a small aperture nearly everything seems to be in focus. Microphen is a speed-boosting developer and so I think it makes FP4 look grainier than it should. I'll be trying a different developer next tome and with luck I'll get smoother results.</p>
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<p>Thanks Randy. I've got Diafine but have never gotten around to mixing it up. I've been doing color neg developing using a Jobo C-41 kit and have been pleased with the results. I want to start shooting black and white film again and want to try the Diafine. I used to use Ilford Ilfosol 3.</p>

<p>Mike : D</p>

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<p>I haven't tried that, Mike. I just bought some HC-110 which could last me for 100 films ...</p>

<p>Neither have I tried 'proper' C41 chemistry - I'm nervous about the precision required. But if you look in last week's thread you'll see a couple of colour neg pictures I processed in Microphen.</p>

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