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Sony Sunday week 5 2/3/13


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Had a mini epiphany this week. One of the posters put up a shot with a “beercan” lens. It looked pretty good so

I decided to look on the enormous auction site to get one. Bid on two and lost them both. {:o( However in the

process of trying out my existing Minolta lenses I rediscovered the 50mm f1.7 which was on the 7000I film camera.

At f1.7 it was quite fuzzy but by f2.0 it was reasonably sharp. In use I missed the zoom for framing but liked

the low light capability. I have attached some “available darkness” images from the experiments. Post some of

your own with the long side no more than 700 pixels.

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<p>In the past month I have missed out on 4 Beercan bidding wars on ebay. They all went for more than I was willing to spent, the 'buy it now' ones on ebay are either missing caps or Hoods, or are not in great condition, or are selling for too much. So I hang around for the Auctions that start off low and hopefully I will get one cheap in the future.<br>

I did though pick up a 'as new' Sony 18-55 kit lens for $40 off ebay 2 days ago. For that price I thought why not. </p>

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<p>I love the napping photo Randy, the orange-ish cast from the light bulb actually contributes to a cosy feeling, kinda as if there's a fireplace nearby!<br>

Past weekend was rainy so tuesday was a good day to go catch some morning-after shots of cloud formations and snow on the surrounding mountains. Here's a landscape shot with San Gorgonio in the background and San Jacinto Wildlife Area in the foreground (taken with a500 and the 18-55 kit lens)</p>


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<p>The 50/1.7 is a great little lens, Randy, and you did a great job with your granddaughter. And that hawk looks the polar opposite of the sweet girl - very nicely done again, Paul.</p>

<p>A new museum is being established in Oxford, the Story Museum (there is a rich history of story telling here - think CS Lewis, Tolkein, Lewis Carroll) and a building has been acquired for redevelopment, with the aim to open the museum permanently in 2015. <br>

<br />Here are some curios from outside the building ...</p>

<p><a title="Nonsense telephone box by FlickrDelusions, on Flickr" href=" Nonsense telephone box src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8352/8441464886_e05646a9ca_c.jpg" alt="Nonsense telephone box" width="430" height="800" /></a></p>

<p>A nonsense telephone box, dedicated to The Owl and the Pussycat; as the rhyme goes, 'And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand. / They danced by the light of the moon, the moon, the moon, / They danced by the light of the moon.'</p>

<p><a title="The Pea by FlickrDelusions, on Flickr" href=" The Pea src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8095/8440373635_5f0c8fe7f2_c.jpg" alt="The Pea" width="535" height="800" /></a></p>

<p>I'm not sure where this comes from!</p>

<p><a title="Rochester's Story Supplies by FlickrDelusions, on Flickr" href=" Rochester's Story Supplies src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8050/8441465938_0f59074561_c.jpg" alt="Rochester's Story Supplies" width="800" height="535" /></a></p>

<p>A faux shop window, Rochester's Story Supplies (the museum will be located in Rochester House).</p>

<p>All NEX-3 with Sigma E 30mm f/2.8</p>

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James, Patrick I will get a beercan someday......


Paul, Howard thanks for the kind words. I would not mess with that hawk Paul. Howard, Lewis Caroll's "Jabberwocky" is a poem that has lines in it which drift through my thoughts every now and then. This is due to a Pogo comic strip which acted out the poem using Albert the alligator, Pogo et al. C. S. Lewis is a terrific author but Tolkien has too many details for me to keep track of.

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