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Weird "dust speck" in viewfinder?

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<p>Hello! I just a purchased Chinon CM-4 from Ebay. I put the batteries in, and the light meter functions, shutter fires, etc. But, when I look through the viewfinder, there's a small, black squiggly line thing on the middle right side of the viewfinder. When I remove the lens and look through the viewfinder, it's still there. If I'm correct, the speck is either on the mirror or the sensor...? Should I be worried? I have a 30-day return option, but is it worth it? I paid around $30 for it. What should I do? Thanks! :)</p>
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Do nothing, its dust or something on the focusing screen. If you must, try a blower/brush and gently puff some

air onto the focusing screen and don't touch the mirror. It will not impact the photos, and since its a film

camera, you can't get anything on a sensor.

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<p>Not sure what 'sensor' you're referring to since this is a film camera. At any rate, it probably does not affect the pictures the camera will take, as it is not in the optical path for taking pictures. The mirror, focusing screen, and prism are only for composing and focusing -- when you trip the shutter, the mirror moves out of the way, the shutter opens, and the film is exposed directly from the lens.</p>

<p>I expect it is probably not on the mirror, but if it is, that should be relatively easily visible with the lens detached, and probably removed easily with a puff from an air blower bulb (e.g. Rocket Blower). You should take care with handling the mirror and screen as they can be relatively easily scratched.</p>

<p>More likely the dust is trapped up inside the focusing screen between the screen and the prism. I can see how this piece of dust would be annoying, it's up to you how badly you want it gone (again, shouldn't affect the pictures). With some cameras that were designed to interchange focusing screens the screen can be removed through the lensmount but with other cameras you might need to remove the top of the camera to access the prism and screen.</p>

<p>Worth returning? Hard to say, if everything else is good. If you're not comfortable cleaning it yourself, a professional cleaning for a camera will cost well over $30, and you probably would not get that $ back when selling...but it could make sense for a camera that you like and want to keep and use for a while.</p>

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