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Disappeared column / tab for comments;


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Bela, this has happened to others. Most likely you accidentally blocked yourself and that's why the comments box has

disappeared. Go to your "blocked photographers" list and unblock yourself. You can check it out by finding a comment you've made on one of your own photos. If it says UNBLOCK next to your name, just click that and you should then be fine. If that's not it, you'll need administration's help.

We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!
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<p>Hi Fred. Thank you for your help. Yes, I blocked one of my comments on one image, because I did a comments on the wrong image. But, why this only one blocked comments, on one image blocked all of my images "comments block" disappearing? Now, when I find this image and unblocked, all the comment block reappeared on all of the images. I can't get it.</p>
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<p>When you click on the BLOCK link next to a comment, you are not just blocking that comment. You are blocking that PERSON from commenting on any of your images. That's how it's set up. So, when you unblocked yourself, you may now comment on all your images. Should you block yourself again, it will be for ALL your images, not just the one you blocked.</p>

<p>If you ever have a single comment you want deleted, contact administration, and if they deem it abusive or your own error, they will likely delete it for you. You don't have the power to delete single posts. The block function is used to block a person from ever commenting on another one of your photos.</p>

We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!
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