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Classic Manual Camera Weekend, June 10

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<p>Time to post those classic camera photos once again as it's Friday June 10 in some time zones. If you're new we generally post three images here with classic gear (or at least hybrid classic gear). No problem if you go over the limit. Fourth image is welcome in the 365 day thread.<br>

Three more from my Rollei B35. With its selenium meter I call it my "anti-digital".</p><div>00dzXn-563594684.jpg.5f33eebf0a760eb1e84b2da1ddc2879c.jpg</div>

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<p>My film-scanner arrived yesterday, and I’ve been bringing back to life some negatives that have been neglected for years. In this particular case, the photo has never actually been printed since there was operator error in the film development (mea culpa) and the negative has a (big) yellow stripe down the center. And now it’s finally rescued by Lightroom. Anyway, this is from an Olympus Pen-FT on Tri-X.</p><div>00dzYf-563597684.jpg.01d6dc6e5c28e80f87b098ee70d53178.jpg</div>
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<p>Love that photograph, <strong>JDM</strong>, it has a sort of Indiana Jones feel about it, and the total detachment of the three figures is intriguing. Nice quality from the Rollei, <strong>Mike</strong>, and I can see where most of your evenings are going to go, <strong>Leslie</strong>. Here are three images from a Bronica ETRs with the 40mm Zenzanon MC f/4 ; Kodak Tri-X 400 developed in PMK Pyro.</p><div>00dzZl-563599884.jpg.7b8376e1feb32fafae545d8c50d09f9d.jpg</div>
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<p>Hello everyone. A couple of shot's from last months visit to Las Vegas. The first is a spray can paint artist. Fifteen to twenty minutes of working yields an 11x14 "modern" art scene. Interesting to watch and most sold on the spot for $40. The second is a young lady from New Zealand who took off over two years ago to see the world. Using mostly public transportation, she was on the final leg seeing the West Coast, then up to Alaska and then home to Christ Church. Now that's how to see the world! Solinette 35mm, UFX400 @ 320 asa, Obsidian Aqua & V800 scans. Bill</p><div>00dzbG-563605684.jpg.a73f47da324285f8997ed7fd73c8f66f.jpg</div>
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<p>One shot from yesterday. Taken with an old Busch Pressman D. For this shot I replaced the Xenar 135mm-lens with a <br /> Fujinon-W 125/5.6 for a slightly wider angle of view and a bit more headroom (rise).<br /><img src="https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7466/27579607795_33fd78f434_z.jpg" alt="" width="511" height="640" /><br>


Busch Pressman D, Fujinon-W 125/5.6 at about f/22, dark yellow-filter, expired Orwo NP22 in Rodinal 1+50<br /> The crane at the right side wouldn't co-operate, it finally swung over to the left after I had the camera packed away. <br /> The change of my hometown, my neighborhood is my favorite subject for a while now. <br /> Cranes everywhere. Sometimes for the good, but not always. Many views I grew up with are gone, other views will follow.<br /> <br /> MÖWE = Seagull</p>

<p> </p>

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Ralf, "hybrid classic gear" is a term I use when a classic lens is used on a much later camera body (like a modern film

camera or a digital). Or a classic camera with a modern lens. My recent example would be the use of a modern Pentax

50mm f2.8 A Macro on my classic Pentax MX.

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