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Lightroom RAW processing changed?

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<p>Like the poster above, and recognising that there are people here who know more about LR than I do, I think the likelihood is that what you notice is down to "settings" not inevitable consequences of software changes. I think Adobe will understand very well that some people will have developed a style and that making it difficult for photographers to preserve their look is not desirable from a user or even an Adobe perspective.</p>

<p>So, in Camera Calibration you'll see that you can ( or I can anyway) the option to set different generation processing to replicate what you may have used before- 2012 (current) 2010 0r 2003. In my experience that will change the appearance of some images but not others. </p>

<p>Then just below in the "profiles " section first see whether any of the colour adjustment or saturation sliders have been moved from the zero position. Possibly unlikely but if so the effect is potentially dramatic.</p>

<p>Then again in profiles, look at the preset that's being applied. Mine is set to Adobe Std and I can't recall changing it so maybe its a default. There are other options that are more neutral and others, especially camera landscape, that are more saturated. You'll presumably want to recreate the setting you used -or think you may have been using- in prior versions of LR. </p>

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<p>I promise it is not in the camera calibration. It's set to Adobe Standard, default, and I change it sometimes when I find it useful. Mostly for landscape.<br>

It is not a preset that I use when I import.<br>

I'd say it has happened since the last year or so. I cannot say when it did happen exactly. All I know is that I've been used to "up" the contrast and now I find most of my images too "contrasty" by default. <br /><br />All my presets work exactly as before and I'm not saying that I've lost anything. It just feels like the starting point for my development process has shifted.<br>

But if there's nothing that actually has changed, then I guess I must be either be imagining it or there's something else "under the hood" that I've changed in one way or the other. The amount of time I've been doing courses and working with Lightroom I would have thought it was something I would have been aware of though.<br>

Ah, well... <br>

In regards to Adobe being careful not to screw things up... the last Photoshop update totally screwed with all of my plug-ins as well as the scripts. I just hope I have updated backups of all of them. Some of them I've written myself and I do not care for redoing that work. :) </p>

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<p>I've noticed that Lightroom auto-adjusts the RAW files differently than it did a couple of versions ago.</p>


<p>Not if you've set the same setting, or as pointed out, your much older version was so old, it didn't have PV2012. You can set the product for PV2010 (don't recommend it).</p>


<p>In regards to Adobe being careful not to screw things up... the last Photoshop update totally screwed with all of my plug-ins as well as the scripts.</p>


<p>By design and outlined by Adobe too (it is a newer and believe me, better feature):<br>


<h2>Important information about plug-ins & installation, please read:</h2>

<p><strong>VERY IMPORTANT</strong> – Photoshop CC 2015.5 is a full version update. As such, you will need to install your 3rd party plug-ins for them to work with CC 2015.5.</p>


<li><em>Please note, we’ve been <a href="https://helpx.adobe.com/content/help/en/photoshop/kb/plug-ins-photoshop-troubleshooting.html#topic-3">working with 3rd party plug-in developers</a> to use a <a href="https://helpx.adobe.com/content/help/en/photoshop/kb/plug-ins-photoshop-troubleshooting.html#topic-5">shared Creative Cloud location for plug-ins</a>. This will allow updated versions of their plug-ins to load in future versions of Photoshop CC (e.g. CC 2016/2017) without having to re-install.</em></li>


<p> </p>

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management" (pluralsight.com)

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<p>Andrew, that's good news. I think the information when updating could have been a bit clearer though. In order to react to anything when updating or installing new software I need big, big letters.<br>

Still have to find all of my scripts though. Yes, I know, I should have backed up in a sorted and organized way. It's just not as much fun as working with the image files. Coulda, woulda, shoulda...</p>

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