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POTW 4/17/2016


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<p>Spring has Sprung here in Indiana,<br>

<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/18219379-md.jpg" alt="" width="680" height="451" /><br>

Red-Eared Turtle with Leech, Pentax K3 600mm f5.6 <br>

<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/18219381-md.jpg" alt="" width="680" height="494" /><br>

Carolina Wren K3 600mm <br>

<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/18219382-md.jpg" alt="" width="680" height="451" /><br>

Sprig Beauty, K3, 100DAW macro</p>


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<p>We had more great skies this week and some stormy weather.<br>

645D & A 35<br>

<a title="IMGP2908-Edit" href=" IMGP2908-Edit data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1590/26375023026_45089ed18c_z.jpg" alt="IMGP2908-Edit" width="640" height="479" /></a><br>


645D & FA 45-85<br>

<a title="IMGP3007-Edit" href=" IMGP3007-Edit data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1510/25852045893_deafff2aef_z.jpg" alt="IMGP3007-Edit" width="640" height="479" /></a><br>


I stopped by the Back Canyon yesterday. The weather was brutal but it was still pretty!<br>

645D & FA 45-85<br>

<a title="IMGP3129-Edit" href=" IMGP3129-Edit data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1485/26470088915_ec38dd345f_z.jpg" alt="IMGP3129-Edit" width="640" height="479" /></a></p>

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<p><strong>#1 Spoon In Tahoe City, Yummy Tummy</strong></p>

<p><a href=" Tahoe City In Spring 2016 src="https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1550/26470535486_fc4cf50f40_b.jpg" alt="" width="1024" height="681" /></a></p>

<p>Spoon is a great find on my weekend trip to Tahoe City. It is a tiny but cozy and nicely decorated homey place with 2 tables on loft and 2 other smaller tables on 1st floor. We were the lucky ones arriving at 5:30pm after skiing on Saturday. Yummy and Tummy. What that means! Highly recommended place if you can find an early time to visit in Tahoe City. They closed for spring break for a month. A smart owner who enjoys life, I would say.</p>

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<p><strong>#3 Missing Early Bus at 6:25am</strong></p>

<p><a href=" 20160407-DSC00708-Edit src="https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1538/25792142224_98ca381251_b.jpg" alt="" width="1024" height="680" /></a><br>

<br />I was late for my 6:25am bus and I was grateful and compassionate in reaching out to my compact camera and my ever amazing $25 Fijian 35mm f/1.7 in c-mount that continues to grow on me with frequent intimate outing with 1 lens, 1 camera and 1 soul.</p>

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<p>Justin. Good to see you are back. Where the hell you been. Sometimes I swear you are a CIA agent gone for a year or two.</p>



<p>Hey Bob, good to see you are back as well. I haven't seen a lot of you on here either. I definitely was on a bit of a hiatus following my back surgery in 2013. Ironically, I thought it would be a good time to get invigorated with photography again, like after my ACL reconstruction in 2006. But, alas, I actually was more motivated to get 100% healthy and back out into the mountains. And along with that I didn't want to be editing in front of a computer much, partially because I already sit all day at work, and prolonged sitting is not particularly good for the spine.</p>

<p>The bottom line, after climbing was almost taken away from me for good, it sort of sparked some passion that I really hadn't had in a bit. In fact, there was a point I thought I was done climbing for lack of passion. Now I'm sort of settling back into a less OCD (obsessive climbing disorder) routine and diversifying again. Unfortunately, the weekends are short and splitting time between everything is sometimes an arduous decision.</p>

<p>Here are a few for this week...</p>

<p>My wife following Autopilot at Buck Mountain in the Adirondacks.</p>

<p><a title="Autopilot at Buck Mountain" href=" Autopilot at Buck Mountain data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1637/26418252132_7e2e27041c_c.jpg" alt="Autopilot at Buck Mountain" width="600" height="800" /></a><br>

Pentax W90</p>


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<p>Thanks Hin. Really appreciate the sentiments. Never really considered myself much of a photographer like the rest of you guys, but it's nice to know people appreciate my feeble attempts.<br>

I never graduated much from where I started and where I hoped to be as I am more of a lazy photographer and shoot what I see as I'm doing something outdoors.<br>

Will make an attempt to try and shoot more.</p>

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<p>Personally I'm a naturalist dragging along an instrument to snag photos. You are all much better photographers than I'll ever be. But it is nice to see a wayward sheep come home again!</p>


<p>Just an adventurer that lugs a camera to bring home memories. Along the way, I just happen to have some beautiful sights appear before me. The camera just helps me look at the lighting and the composition to really try to bring something home that people want to peer at with the same interest I had in the moment. <br /><br />I think that's what it is all about,, whether it be a sunrise on a backcountry peak, a technical ascent high on a wall, or a cappuccino in a local cafe. It's emotional connection you have with your images, seeing the world you see and trying to bring it back for everyone to get the same feelings.</p>

<p><a title="Standing on the edge of the unknown" href=" Standing on the edge of the unknown data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7022/6387977367_95d58f9109_z.jpg" alt="Standing on the edge of the unknown" width="640" height="424" /></a><br>

Pentax K-5, DA 21mm.</p>

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