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Company Wide Photo Shoot 30-35 Headshots On Location

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<p>Question about what to charge for a company-wide headshot photo session, on-location for 30-35 people. They want prices for high res and low res files with unlimited usage for as long as we both shall live. They also want a price for an additional ½ day to do make ups for those who can't make it on the initial shoot day. Budget flexible. DC Metro area. Thoughts? Thanks.</p>
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<p>I would do it as a per shot basis of (EXAMPLE) $100 per shot. Day rate means if there are 30 people or 130 people it is the same price if you can do it within a day. Just something to think about. <br>

You can also do a mix of both day rate and per shot which I like better. (EXAMPLE) $500 1/2 day plus $100 per shot. Full day $1,000 plus $100 per shot. Includes all usage and file delivery.</p>

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<p>I would agree with Michael, imagine if they line up 50 people on the first day and they expect you to shoot until the last one is shot. You will need to set limits to things like time spent on set, usage and term of use. Otherwise they may assume that they own the images and you for the day. You can get to the same number by charging a $1500 Creative Fee and $50 per person plus $750 for editing and delivery of images. Let us know how it works out, both negotiating and then the shoot.</p>
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