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Such a hard decision......


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<p>If you don't mind some electronics and automation, I'd suggest a Pentax 645N SLR. Large bright viewfinder, a lot of the conveniences of a 35mm SLR (P A S M, autofocus), metering choices, auto bracketing, focus confirmation, and really good ergonomics. As long as you stick with the manual focus lenses they are quite affordable and produce good results.</p>
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<p>Horace - prices are all over the board, based on exactly what work is performed and if replacement parts are needed, if recovering is desired, etc. If at some time you are considering a CLA, it is best to contact the potential providers and inquire specifically what is included in their services (things like do they totally disassemble and ultrasonically clean and polish the parts individually, or just dip & dunk; when relubing do they use modern lubricants with characteristics similar to factory recommendations, or something else); what is involved in their adjustment process (do they collimate lenses or use another methodology); the cost of the services (including postage); and the turnaround time.</p>
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<p>Hi guys,</p>

<p>Lots of great tips. No I am not against 6x4.5 format. I an open to all MF formats, which makes my decision making harder. The Fuji seems like great value. Not completely sure about the electronics though. I guess this camera does not work if the electronics go bad?</p>

<p>These range finders should be able to match the TLRs when it comes to slow shutter speeds, due to the lack of mirror flap, is that correct?</p>

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<p>I love my Leica rangefinder cameras but in having had a Fuji GSW690III and a full Mamiya 6 kit with all three lenses, I could never get along with them due to parallax error, much prefer an SLR/TLR for that format. Having a more accurate manner in which to both view and compose the image with medium format film seems to go a long way in working with the shallower depth of field. So I own a large Hasselblad system with two 501CM bodies, 9 lenses, 12 backs including a CFV50c digital and a Rolleiflex 2.8D.<br /> <br /> I would get a Rolleiflex 2.8 from Igor Camera and be done with it. He has them CLA'd, offers returns and has reasonable prices. I would *not* saddle your friend with the task of picking up a camera that may or may not have to go in for service once you get it. I paid $800 for a near mint Rolleiflex 2.8D and not only does it work perfectly without a CLA, the images that 2.8 lens produces are as good as anything I have ever seen and that includes the Mamiya.<br /> <br /> Look up the work of Vivian Maier, Fan Ho and Maude Schuyler Clay to get inspiration of work made with a Rolleiflex, it's a legendary camera for a reason.</p>
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<p>I looked at that site you recommend, Igor Camera. Seems like a better route to go compared to eBay. Unfortunately it is based in the US which means a large duty that I have to pay once it gets here. But I understand the idea. I have googled this list of Camera stores in case anyone is looking for something similar but based in Europe.</p>


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<p>My friend is going to Japan and will help me bring back a camera of my choice<br>



<p>I haven't heard this discussed in years. Last I knew, prices for most electronics were higher in Japan, even for made in Japan equipment. (But then again, must Japanese equipment isn't made in Japan.)<br>


The market for used equipment might be completely different.</p>

-- glen

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