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shadow around edges of Eizo monitor

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<p>I received an Eizo CX241 monitor last Friday.</p>

<p>There is a small dust-like spec in the middle of it. Very tiny, but it will annoy me when I'm working on photos and looking for dust specs in image to touch up. Place where I bought the monitor referred me to Eizo who has to okay the return. I wrote to them earlier today.</p>

<p>I also see a bluish shadow around the edges of the screen. Subtle, about 1/8-1/4 inch wide. I seem to remember hearing that IPS monitors have issues around edges? Is what I'm seeing normal or a defect? I sent a P.S. to Eizo about the edge issue. Haven't heard from them yet.</p>


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<p>After I submitted my post above, I did quick search on internet and saw lots of images of really bad bleeds....huge, jagged areas, coming from sides. What I have is not like that. It's a very even width all around the edges, not jagged at all. It's visible on white. Photos of backlight bleed were shown on black. </p>


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<p>Hi Keith. Yes, I can imagine Eizo laughing at me about this. In most situations, this little grey spot wouldn't even be noticeable, but when scrutinizing photos.....</p>

<p>It's still early enough that I can return the monitor to store simply because I don't like it. </p>

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<p>Return it ASAP. If this is as bad as it sounds, Eizo will replace it no questions asked.</p>

<p>The panel should be perfectly uniform all the way from corner to corner and IIRC there is a full dead pixel warranty on Color Edges. One is one too many.</p>

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<p>Thanks, Dag.</p>

<p>As a side note, because we discussed the EX2 in an earlier thread of mine: I question the accuracy of EX2. I wasn't able to do scientific test, but when I calibrated the CX241 with the EX2, the reds seemed too bright. So then I calibrated with my old Optix DP94 (which was accepted by Color Navigator 6.4.7), and things looked more like I was used to seeing them, when my old CG19 was working properly. The CG19 no good anymore, so I can't do a comparison of colors between monitors. When I get new monitor I'll get w/o the EX2 and use my Optix until I update my OS at which time the Optix won't be supported (and I'll get an i1). I'm also going to go up to the 27-inch monitor to get the higher ppi. Hope changing model of monitor doesn't confuse matters with Eizo. </p>

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<p>Hi Wouter. Eizo hadn't responded when I posted earlier. But they have responded now, and very nicely, said return the monitor, no problem. (If I want to go to 27-inch, I'll have to go through the seller, however.) I was posting here mainly to get input about the shadow around edges of screen. Didn't know if that was normal or defect. Thanks for your input.<br>

<br /><br /></p>

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<p>The DTP94 is known to not work well on wide gamut displays, unless a special correction matrix is applied in the software. At the time of the CG19, the DTP was the best sensor available and this correction matrix Eizo's only option.</p>

<p>I wouldn't worry about the EX2.</p>

<p>As for the edge shadow, this is more serious than it sounds, because of the built-in maintenance sensor in the CX. This is positioned right up on the panel edge, and the whole construction relies on perfect panel uniformity. So this is a clear defect and something Eizo must take seriously.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Hi Dag. Thanks for your response.</p>

<p>Good point about the edge shadow affecting the maintenance sensor. I hadn't thought of that.</p>

<p>I did see some comments in forums online about the DTP94 not being able to handle wide-gamut monitors. But when I emailed Eizo tech support, they said it was supported in Color Navigator 6.4.7 and for CX monitors, and it was one of the choices in the Color Navigator software. But I suppose that doesn't mean it works well. I will probably spring for the i1.</p>

<p>Eizo has responded perfectly, said return the monitor. I'm just working things out with the seller because I'm going up to the 27-inch which complicates things a bit. But Eizo and the seller (Motion Media in CA) have been great. I recommend both for their good customer service.</p>

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<p>Well, a PA272 is an equally good monitor, so you can obviously do that (although, having used both, I do think ColorNavigator is a better and more thought-out piece of software than Spectraview II).</p>

<p>Eizo's return policies and warranties for the Coloredge models are generally regarded as the best you'll find anywhere. Not that I ever had to take advantage of it. A unit with this many defects has to be a rarity, I've never before heard of it.</p>

<p>If this was me, I'd just pay shipment and think nothing more of it. Very few other manufacturers would immediately agree to replace the unit in the first place.</p>

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<p>Hi Dag. I've had the monitor less than a week, so I could've returned to the store for refund if I simply didn't like it, so Eizo's accepting a return is no great favor. What they should've done is pay for return shipping because monitor is defective.</p>

<p>Companies seem to think short-term these days. Wouldn't it be better to pay $50 shipping and keep a loyal customer? Surely they will make more than that on the 27-inch version I told them I was going to buy to replace the defective 24-inch. Or the store could've paid the return shipping to keep me as a customer.</p>

<p>End of rant. Move on, as you say....</p>

<p>Thanks for all of your input on this project. Appreciate it.</p>

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Kudos to Eizo! I called them myself. They are paying return shipping. Craig Hansen in tech support was <em>extremely</em> nice about it.</p>

<p>My contact at the store (Motion Media in CA) was handling the return earlier and had told me he couldn't get Eizo to pay return shipping.</p>

<p>Lesson: If you ever have any problems with Eizo purchase, go straight to Eizo.</p>

<p>I will go ahead and buy the CX271.....but through B&H (and pay NYS tax this time).</p>

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<p>In case anyone out there wants to use an Optix DTP94 with an Eizo wide-gamut monitor, this is what Eizo support told me when I asked if it will work with wide-gamut:</p>

<p>"I have not been able to verify any issue with the Optix DTP94. It shows <br />that it is compatible with the lastest version of ColorNavigator which <br />calibrates the wide gamut monitors so I will have to say that it should <br />work fine."</p>

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<p>Hi Gary. I did return it. Eizo was really nice about it and paid the return shipping. (Mentioned in earlier post, guess you missed it in the flurry....) Agree, mental health issue :)</p>

<p>I have my CX271 now and am loving it. Really like the higher ppi, and, so far, I've been able to enlarge type and icons as necessary.</p>

<p>Ordered an i1 Display Pro because I didn't want to have insecurity about my old Optix DTP94 being inaccurate.</p>

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