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POTW_December 11th, 2015


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<p>Towards the end of my testing I realised that a comparison shot might be valuable, so here are two, one stacked and one just a single shot. Because I used a tripod all I had to do was do one version using the focus stacking then turn it off in the menu and shoot again. This means that the focus point is in exactly the same spot so you can see the big difference in dof. First, the stacked shot...</p><div>00dd3M-559685684.jpg.c0509bd04554c0d74adce29a1dc3ba18.jpg</div>
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<p>John, your question is not dumb at all. The camera records the images for stacking as if you were in raw+jpeg mode. So basically you end up with 8 raw shots and 8 jpeg's and the stacked jpeg. This means you can do your own stacking in PS or whatever, using the raw shots if you want. It also means if you get a little drunk on the power of seeing magically produced stacked images appearing on your LCD and try different f.stops and experiment like a mad person you end with something like 800 shots on your memory card and it takes days to try and figure out which is what and such lol!</p>
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