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Why put film into dry-bags?

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<p>I often do it for 2 reasons...to keep various films separated (I bulk load), and to keep moisture out of cartridges stored in the refrigerator/freezer for longer term storage. I imagine some people just do it to keep their films dry in the event of rain.</p>
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To show what they are carrying in airports. I have organized SLR audio and video small cables, mini TRS to TRS. TRS to 2.5mm. RF adapters for my camera cables. Even chargers that are small enogh to carry. Generations of li ion batteries in see through bags. Back covers for lenses. Front caps for lenes..


Ziploc bags help some and better yet, look for and use the 6 mm poly kind I bought in 100 packs from Amazon are great. Organization is the reason. Now you got it? Is this a vacuous question? . We do get some doozers lately. So many things to learn and discover, we must have time to sweat the small stuff?. Not just small, nano small.But let us be generous. Irritants abound.. if we look we find them everywhere.


PS. Just for casual info, these here clear envelopes are turning out fine and not just for nails and brads and push pins. Tougher than Zip Loc by far, by way far.. Too many for one life time though:-) I plan to order a size larger as well----collect goodies, like hot shoe covers and PC coversm and they slip away with those Hawaiian menehunes, unless you bag the l''il accessory buggers., right? .



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<p>Marc, as I see this is your first day, welcome to photo.net. It's a great resource for photographers. Ask anything you feel like asking. People and habits differ. There was a time when many photographers would tape film cannisters to their camera straps. Nowadays that seems incredibly old-fashioned. I use Ziploc bags to organize small items, including film canisters on the rare occasions that I carry film. For storing film in the refrigerator, which is often for very long periords, I prefer wrapping in aluminum foil which, if done properly, will repel moisture better.</p>

<p>Brian, I think Marc was bugged by not knowing the answer.</p>

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<p>Simple answer - putting films into Ziplok bags provides excellent protection against rain, water splashes, even water immersion, should you fall into water or drop your films. Furthermore, it much reduces the risk of individual rolls of film getting lost. As mentioned above, if you have 2 bags, you can use one for unexposed film, one for exposed, which makes it much faster to find a new roll to load, particularly when doing landscape photography under adverse conditions.</p>
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<p>LOL! Someone mentions that what someone else is doing bugs him (I'm sure he meant that it mystifies him), and someone else comments that they don't understand why what someone else does should bug them. It's obvious that the question bugged them so much that they had to comment on it! Love the irony.<br /> <br /> There isn't a person alive that isn't bugged by other people. Even Donald Trump, although that's stretching the definition of "person" quite a bit.</p>
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