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Move from DPP 3 to DPP 4 or Lightroom?


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<p>My primary body original 5D has hot shoe issues, and the backup 5D has a high shutter count. A 5DIII is on its way in the mail.</p>

<p>I've been using DPP as my only post-processing tool since I got my 5D ages ago. I use version 3 since version 4 does not support original 5D files. I have hundreds of unprocessed images from my 5D since I often get behind in processing.</p>

<p>I need suggestions on whether I should:<br>

1) Use DPP 4 for 5DIII and DPP 3 for my remaining original 5 files<br>

2) Use DPP 3 for everything<br>

3) Switch to Lightroom</p>

<p>Option #3 (switching to LR) has an appeal since it is a standard, and #1 (using DPP4) means a learning curve anyway. Aside from cost, the major reason not to switch is that I don't know that LR will bring my tags from DPP3. Will it? For example, I tag raw images "1" for needs processing "2" for processed, "3" for delete. Would "1" be readable in LR?</p>

<p>Thanks for the input.<br>


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<p>Good question. I just tried it, gave a rating **** to a picture in DPP4, saved it and imported it into LR. It shows up with a four star rating. So based on a random test of one sample I can say that DPP star ratings are transferred to LR.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that DPP is mainly a RAW converter, based on an image browser whereas LR uses a database. LR has lots of DAM (=digital asset management) capabilities buit in so you can easily search and handle a photo collection. I'm running LR6 on a dated PC (Core Duo/8 GB RAM) and it handles 60k+ pictures quite well. LR is not free but you can give it a free trial for one month.</p>

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<p>For example, I tag raw images "1" for needs processing "2" for processed, "3" for delete. Would "1" be readable in LR?</p>


<p>Don't know, but doubt if it does import them (as metadata), they will be searchable in LR. I think the answer to your question is clearly #3. Personally, I am amazed you have managed with DPP only for all these years. You are making life very difficult for yourself in my opinion. When you switch to LR you too will wonder why you took so long to change.</p>

Robin Smith
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<p>If you were happy with DPP 3, then I think you'll love DPP 4. What do you want to do with LR that you can't do with DPP 3 and 4? (I know, LR does lots of things that DPP does not, but will you use them?) Keeping both 3 and 4 on your computer shouldn't be a big deal, I think.</p>


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You should be able to download Lightroom free as a trial version and purchase if you like. There is a learning curve to it, but basically pretty simply. Even if you like DPP, you may find the extra features very useful. I switched from DPP to Lightroom and agree with what Robin said.


As much as I do like Lightroom, starting from scratch, I would download a trial version of Capture One Pro. But I have no experience with the program, mentioned it because an updated version just came out (I think) and I know you can get a trial version.


At the very least, I would recommend checking Adobe website for info regarding Lightroom.

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<p>I suppose it is amazing I've gone so long without any other post-processing software. I'm slow to learn new tricks, I guess. My style of photography doesn't need much post-processing, and it's been easier to pay a professional to retouch the rare images that need it.</p>

<p>Things I would like:<br>

- ability to use one post-processing program for my 5Dc and new 5DIII. It will take quite awhile to go through my unprocessed 5Dc raw files and I will still keep 5Dc as backup and to take skiing, etc. It's kinda annoying that DPP4 won't work with older raw files.<br>

- easier minor retouching...nothing DPP can't do but I imagine LR will be easier?<br>

- B&W simulators...I was eyeing Silver Efex awhile ago. I still remember B&W films (Ilford, Agfapan, Fomapan, Kodak)</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice so far.</p>

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<p>If you switch to Lightroom, then go to the Luminous-landscape site and buy their video tutorials. As tutorials go, they are cheap. Buy the LR 4 tutorials, LR 5 tutorials and any LR 6 tutorials. Do not start using LR until you have gone through the first few beginner tutorials up to Library in LR 4. Those will help you understand the database functions. LR is both a database for organizing photos and an optimizing program and more. LR is a great leap forward. I use LR and Photoshop and purchase the $10 per month subscription from Adobe. There are many steps to photo optimization that you have not taken until you use LR and more when you learn LR and PS.<br>

PS: LR 4 was a great improvement over prior versions and LR 5 and LR 6 are tweaks.</p>

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<p>I switched from DPP3 to DPP4 when they added support for my 7D (mark I) and didn't find it to be a difficult transition to make. As someone else suggested, you can have both versions installed on the same PC (I do), so while it's not ideal to have to use the older version for your older files, there's no technical reason why you can't.</p>


<p>If I was in your shoes, I'd probably give DPP4 a try. It's a free download and the worst that will happen is that you try it and find it doesn't do what you need, and then you go off and buy (or at least download a free trial of) LR. But since you say that DPP3 already has the capabilities you need, then I think DPP4 will also do what you need.</p>

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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>Jos van Eekelen above saved a rating in DPP4 and the star rating transferred to LR. Does anyone know if check marks (not star ratings) made only to the raw files in DPP will reflect in LR?<br>

My few days' experience with DPP4 is not good. The user interface is different than DPP3 in small ways, but unfortunately for me, many of my personal time saving keystroke/actions are gone. (Deleting from list, batch processing button, copying recipe to all images.) I also don't like the cropping tool because it seems less precise and more importantly makes me select the aspect ratio for every image instead of assuming I want the same one as last time. It's more typically the case for me that if I select 11x14 for one image, the rest will also be 11x14. <br>

In addition, it doesn't seem easy for me to use DPP3 and DPP4 side-by-side since DPP3 doesn't even read DPP4's quick checks, so when I'm in DPP3 I can't quickly tell that I already processed in DPP4. (My workflow is dependent on quick checks.)<br>

Of my original Options, I'm down to two:<br>

1) Use DPP 4 for 5DIII and DPP 3 for my remaining original 5 files (ELIMINATED)<br />2) Use DPP 3 for everything. (I can do this now while I haven't done much in DPP4)<br />3) Switch to Lightroom (I'll do this for sure if check marks made only to the raw files in DPP will reflect in LR)<br>


The reason I'm hung up on check marks that "1" indicates "to be processed." If I move to LR, I want to know whether or not I've already processed a raw image and converted to JPG.</p>

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<p>I used DPP for years with both shooting tethered and processing and I never cared for LR's interface. About six months ago, I switched to CaptureOne Pro and will never go back. I would suggest downloading the 30 day trials and compare for yourself. I don't believe the 5D is capable of tethered shooting, so you may need to upgrade to the 5DII for a backup body.</p>
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