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Nikon Wednesday 2015: #46

Matt Laur

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<p><strong><em>Important:</em></strong> please keep your image under 700 pixels on the longest side for in-line viewing, and <em><strong>please keep the FILE SIZE UNDER 300kb</strong></em>. Note that <strong>this includes photos hosted off-site</strong> (at Flickr, Photobucket, your own site, etc).<br /><br />Are you <strong>new to this thread?</strong> The general guidelines for these Wednesday threads are <strong><a href="/nikon-camera-forum/00W7km" rel="nofollow">right here</a></strong>:<a href="/nikon-camera-forum/00W7km" rel="nofollow">http://www.photo.net/nikon-camera-forum/00W7km</a>. This forum's moderators are allowing up to three images per week, so share some work!</p>


<p>I know I'm supposed to be used to recent vintage DSLRs and how much light they can drink in. But it still delights me every time I'm in dim conditions and can never the less record the scene. Whoda thought it, when I was souping pushed Tri-X from a night football game in high school during the Jurassic period? Speaking of football, a local teenage athlete apparently did something special the other day, because her team came by in the middle of the night like one of those masses of equatorial army ants, and did this to her house. It's biodegradable, right? Shot any slightly crazy but cherished traditions? Share, on this fine Nikon Wednesday!</p><div>00dagf-559285884.jpg.71b5f44ba502b4ec82cd47466a636bc7.jpg</div>

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