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Elephant Crashes Lunch Party- Nikon Survives!

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<p>A tourist uploaded a video of what could happen if an elephant interrupts your brunch. Instagram user Shane Wolf said, "I love these amazing animals and still do, the land is theirs and we must respect this," Wolf added "amazingly my @NikonUSA camera survived." Watch close at 2:10 mark during slow motion. Wolf said, "the elephant which had poor eyesight was startled when it walked upon us." <br />It then swung its trunk and knocked them both out of their chairs.<br />ABC news said that their guide told them not to move and DO NOT turn around and look at the elephant. <br />They looked:) I'm thinking I would also turn and look if a young bull was coming up behind me. <a href="

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<p>Tourists. They never listen. "Don't pose next to the buffalo." "Really, don't touch that plant." "Seriously, don't drink from that stream, and don't drink the Pisco when you get back to the hotel." "Don't buy things from the guy that paddles up to the beach." "I promise, you can't assume the two hours you spent on the treadmill before you flew here means you can walk all day at 8000 feet." "Do you really need all of that stuff in your pack?" "Have you considered getting the f/4 version of that 70-200 for your week-long hike in the desert?"</p>
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<p>The point was.... would a Canon of withstood the fall? (joking of course).<br /><br />Funny that Matt mentioned getting in shape for hiking, altitude adjustments etc....<br />I'm now in my early 60's and due to injury and other various reasons have lost a lot of my endurance.<br />Last year, while on a road-trip to Goblin Valley, Great Sand Dunes National Park and a few other places, I found myself getting pretty tired on my hikes and not getting as far away from my vehicle as I used to. I promised that before I take a road-trip this year, I am gonna get in better shape, by at least walking a mile or so everyday, but I keep finding excuses to not get started. <br />I'm guessing a few of us are being seduced to take a trip with the low gas prices. Big difference on a 6,000 mile trip, when gas is a dollar less a gallon! A couple of local gas stations have dipped under $2.00 a gallon and it sounds like it will drop some more, unless Big Oil comes up with another excuse to bump it again.</p>
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