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Weekly Post Processing Challenge - August 23, 2015

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<p>Very nice composition. I wanted to make the background look like a more natural setting, so I cloned out assorted feathers, leg bands, and other distracting elements. I then converted my color image to black and white using Nik Silver Efex. Here is the black and white version.</p><div>00dSCO-558160384.jpg.19adfb086015dd39a2ecbd35b8ca6b11.jpg</div>
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<p>I loved the image to begin with. Such interesting legs! I would have messed around with the background if I hadn't done this.<br /> I flipped the image horizontally.<br /> I really do not like the result. There is <em><strong>something</strong></em> wrong with it<br /> I wonder why. It's just the mirror image; so, what's with my dislike?<br /> I wonder if it's that we westerners are programmed L>R. <br /> Your thoughts on this would be appreciated.</p>

<p> </p><div>00dSFg-558166384.jpg.026ced3ac4b4f4f816b092efb33e33e5.jpg</div>

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<p>I just finished reading 'Last Chance to See...' by Douglas Adams and Mark Carwardine about their year-long trek to see highly endangered species around the world.<br>

Hence, my second submission....The Last Flamingo <br>

Done in Perfect Photos Suite 9. Added layers of supplied textures (Ancient Times Textures) and changed blending modes. Then put on a border and converted to B&W. </p><div>00dSMI-558180084.jpg.22b8977322b5577a29613d39f69e589a.jpg</div>

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<p>Rick (et al),</p>

<p>I've been working on some portraits of my nephew for my sister, and would like to see how others would handle his teenage complexion (among other things), so would like to post one of the shots to get some ideas if acceptable.</p>



<p> </p>

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From a previous Post:<br>

<strong>1 - Application process</strong><br />I ask for a volunteer to start the next challenge (usually on Thursday). The first one to respond wins. No one steps up, its my choice for the next one.<br>

<strong>2 - Image process</strong><br /> If you win you will need to have two jpeg images. Images are to be raw (unaltered that is), one sized for the forum display (700 pixels long axis) the other the original size.<br>

<strong>3 - Posting process</strong><br /> The winner starts the next challenge typically on Sunday morning, (though sometimes late Saturday night works better for the poster).<br>

On the Digital forum main page, look at the upper right. Click on the <strong>Post Question</strong> link. Make sure in the subject you let us know its the challenge. When you hit post button you will be asked to attach an image, use the small (700 pixel ) jpeg.<br>

Respond to your new thread and post the large (original sized) jpeg. If you haven't done this before, don't worry about the (sometimes) long time it takes to upload. Also, it will not be displayed, just the link.<br>

<strong>4 - </strong><br /> Sit back & enjoy the show.<br>

Hope that helps & feel free to PM me if you want more info.</p>

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