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<p>It's only rectangular when you have a negative holder with a mask in it. If you're missing the negative holder, the issue is whether it's easy to find one for the enlarger you have. That's an advantage to getting an enlarger that's common where you live, so that you can find the necessary accessories.<br>

For instance, in the US it's easy to find parts for Beseler and Omega enlargers, but not for Durst enlargers. But Durst accessories may be more common in Europe, where they were made.</p>

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<p>could be a miss match between film size and enlarger lens length. 35mm 24x36 50mm lens, 120 6x6cm 80mm lens, 120 6x9cm 105mm lens. You could also have the wrong condenser set in the enlarger for your film size. Check the web for an instruction manual for your brand of enlarger. A missing film holder or mask in a glass sandwich holder will project a circle.</p>
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<p>It's a Meopta Axomat, probably an Axomat 3 from the adjacent images in flickr. I've never used a Meopta, but they were a popular amateur enlarger in the U.K. and Europe. IIRC the late <a href="http://www.barrythornton.com/">Barry Thornton</a> used a Meopta enlarger.</p>

<p>I agree with the others. If the flickr guy's selling this enlarger, make sure it comes with the accessories you need to just plug and play: condensers or diffusion boxes, negative carriers for the sizes you need, and a decent lens and lensboard.</p>

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