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Monday in Nature Weekly Photo Aug 10, 2015

Laura Weishaupt

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<p>Andrew, it's a male <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zabulon_Skipper#/media/File:Male_Zabulon_Skipper.jpg">Zabulon Skipper</a>.</p>


<p>Truth is, just because something is classified as edible doesn't always mean you want to, and really only means it won't kill you...</p>


<p>Laura, I remember you mentioned something similarly before. I should have heeded your wisdom. :)</p>

<p>After listening to a talk by Leda Meredith (author of "Northeast Foraging"), I thought eating wild plants was so cool. So, as I was planning to get rid of all the incredibly invasive daylily in my backyard anyway, I thought why not look up a daylily recipe. Then I harvested the daylily flowers and buds and cooked up a big dish that actually looked gourmet. I even took a picture of the dish. I was hungry and it tasted OK. But what followed was two excruciating days of diarrhea! Now I shudder whenever I think about the daylily dish. Incidentally, I uprooted just about all the daylilies in the last few days. There were clumps of tubers beneath the soil. No wonder they spread like wild fire.</p>

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