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Any guesses on how this photo was shot?

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<p>Thought we'd have a little fun with a simple problem;<br>

The photo in the link shows a very large crocodile. The photo is real and unmanipulated. However, the croc's apparent length seems longer than its actual length estimated at about 18'.<br>

Or - <br /> It might have been faked.<br>

Without Googling, what's your take?<br>

<a href="http://static.wixstatic.com/media/bd81c5_1a0834f865034409940151fff016e5a7.jpg_srb_p_1180_596_75_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srb">link</a></p>

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<p>Fishermen do this all the time. Fish up close, and good distance behind for the person, usually at arms length is good for making the fish appear larger than it is. In this case substitute a crocodile and more people and a greater distance between them. </p>
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Forced perspective. The people are probably ten feet or so behind the crocodile. Which would explain why no one has a hand resting on the creature. I doubt if the wall is more than 18 inches high. That is about a typical height for a stone wall made of that material. Look at the size of the people compared to how big they would look if in front of the stone wall.
James G. Dainis
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<p>You can get a hint of the effect if you look at the right end of the picture. You will see that there is quite a wide grassy verge between the crocodile and the wall on which the man in the white T-shirt is sitting.</p>

<p>It's still a heck of a big crocodile, though. </p>

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<p>Mike that's one big Croc, but I think he appears even bigger because the people in the shot are farther away from him than it initially seems. To really know we will need more pictures of Tara posed along side with a couple of her Sharknado co-stars to get a proper sense of proportion. If you know what I mean ;) ;) Bruce</p>
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