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Capa on Capa: The Omaha Beach Photos, "The Eleven" :

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<p>William, as I see Capa, and most great artists, they are mortal men (often with a gift and a passion). There is a tendency to want to see our greatest artists as Gods of some sort. In a limited sense, I suppose they are better than God in that they can create what He never even thought of or attempted, man-made expressions. But in a greater sense they are human, with personalities, foibles, wants, needs, egos, etc. Some of our best artists had big egos, and I don't see that as negative at all. I admire it, in fact. Ellis pointing out Capa's personality traits isn't denigrating at all, unless we see something short of godliness as <em>de facto</em> denigrating. It's simply a grounded and realistic view of this guy.</p>

<p>A lot of photography, in particular, has a very accidental nature about it . . . in a "chance favors the prepared mind" sort of way. I don't think it would be fair or honest to attribute direct and specific intention to every detail of every photo, even though each detail may have great meaning . . . meaning that viewers are also responsible for. </p>

<p>From one of Ellis's links:</p>


<p>Yet Morris cautions against the notion that Capa showed war as it truly was. True, Capa picked out the human in war, rather than weapons or landscapes. However, he rarely showed blood and guts. “Many of Capa’s pictures are heroic,” says Morris. “They are very sympathetic to the person doing the firing. But they are also compassionate to the enemy.”</p>


<p> <br>

This is important. WE DON'T GET TRUTH FROM PHOTOS. We get someone's perspective. We get a truth out of many possible truths. That's why it's important not to see photographers as Gods. They give us their perspective(s), even photojournalists. They are not and cannot be omniscient.<br>


Robin, perhaps "heroic", as used by Morris, would be a better adjective than "iconic." </p>

We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!
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