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How do I get the best out of my slide film? (Reviews)

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I brought a packet of agfa precisa ct 100 iso film. <br>

I was wondering if you had any good tips for shooting with this slide film. It is not expired.<br>

Also if you have used this film and have any pictures of your slides or reviews i'd love to hear/see them!<br>



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<p>I'd invest in some quality graduated filters - I use Hitech ones - they will help you to keep a balance between exposure values the ground and sky when taking landscape pictures, and ensure that the sky is not over exposed as well as preventing under exposure on the landscape itself.</p>

<p>I usually use a 0.3, 0.6 and 0.9 grads but there other values you can get too. A 0.3 is fine in most cases, but 0.6 can result in really stronger blue skys and you will not get the unequal darkening of the sky you get with a polariser when you use wide angles like the 20mm or 24mm. I use the 0.9 when the sun is in the frame and expose for the foreground.</p>

<p>Even better is if you can get graduated filters that also have a warming tint in them too - say an 81A or 81B for me. This will help the results to look warmer and less blue. I find Prescia to be a film suitable for really good weather; in dull weather it looks rather flat and lifeless which is why I preferred the old Kodak 100 VS or still use Velvia with warming filters for poor weather.</p>

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