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My image under false name.

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<p>I noticed in the internet, page, <strong>Bela Molnar images</strong>, an image done by me at my own living-room and shown in the internet page as, <strong>Window And Blowing Curtain By; Bill Guptill. photo.net 900x675.</strong> Anybody has an explanation what is going on here? </p><div>00dMKc-557335184.thumb.jpg.fa5c4590c86bc65a857c5440ac826aa9.jpg</div>
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<p>If you're using Google image search (or internal search that uses Google or other search engine), it often loosely associates related photos that appear similar, or use the same key words, regardless of the actual photographer. A search of my own photos often turns up photos I didn't take, simply because my name appeared in the discussion thread (whether on photo.net, Facebook, Flickr or other), or because the photos were similar.</p>
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