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A shout from the dark(room).


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<p>Hi Photo.net!<br>

After lurking on photo.net for a long time I finally decided it was time for me to start contributing and created an account a few weeks ago.<br>

I picked up photography as a hobby in 2010 when I bought my first dSLR. After suffering from a bit of G.A.S. I took up a beginners darkroom course and shot some 35mm film for a while. A renewed interest in analog photography got me to finally setup my own darkroom at home this year, buy myself a Bronica ETRS and got me back to shooting film again. For me shooting film is not about scanning the pictures, but rather about the final product that comes as a print. As I need to improve my darkroom skills, I started a blog called printerattic.com to take others along on my learning curve and get feedback. I am in the process of creating the initial content and will be posting prints/works in progress on a weekly or biweekly basis. If you are interested or think you might be able to help me, please visit (regularly)! :)<br>

When I am not spending my spare time on my photography I am typically cycling. As a professional I spend my time in the lab as a researcher and PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineering at a dutch university of technology and a national research institute for applied research. <br>

That's it folks, we'll get to talk more on the forums! <br>

- Roy</p>

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