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macophoto u64c expired in 2004, how to expose and develop.


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<p>I have used film 40 or 50 years old, or developed old exposed film, at the normal time and temperature. Well, usually diafine at its usual times and temperature. </p>

<p>If it has been kept reasonably cool, cool basement or inner room, it should be fine.</p>

<p>HC-110 is a favorite developer for old film, so you might look into that. But 2004 isn't all that old, as film goes, except for the very high speed films.</p>

-- glen

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<p>I have had fine results with Panatomic-X in Diafine at close to the recommended speed. </p>

<p>I don't know anyone who would want to try Panatomic-X at four or five stops below box speed. (I have used it 40 or 50 years old.)</p>

<p>But half or one stop more exposure is often good for negative film. I usually round toward more exposure when I am deciding. </p>

<p>For higher speed film, more exposure is probably good, but that removes much of the reason to use higher speed film.<br>

Someday I will try some old TMZ at 200 or 400 and see what comes out.</p>

-- glen

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<p>I would try a roll and start with box speed, but make a couple more shots of each subject giving additional exposure and process in HC110. Just see what looks (and scans or prints best). Good chance of getting box speed since it is a slow film. I've always gotten box speed out of Panatomic-X (even a 1964 roll which was sold as ASA 40).</p>
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