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Ilford HP5 120 - Push?

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<p>Tomorrow I am going to be shooting a gig backstage at a fashion show. I image the lighting is going to be pretty dark and here are my concerns.<br>

For your info, I am using a TLR camera with Ilford HP5, which is 400 ISO.<br>

Does anyone have any recommendations on how I can shoot this? I will open up as wide as my lens can go, which is 3.5 and as slow as i can go handheld which of course is 1/60. I have no idea yet how many stops I may be under, but lets assume 2 or 3? If this is the case, can I just push the film 2 or 3 stops? <br>

Thank you so much</p>


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<p>I would recommend that very much. I haven't worked with that film in particular, I usually shoot Tri-X, but I know that it can handle 2 or 3 stops push. The less you have to push the film, the better of you are, so you could decide based off of your meter reading if you need to go to or 3 stops. Enjoy your shoot!</p>
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<p>Backstage lighting will vary from around EV 4 to 7, probably 5-6 in most places. At EI 1600 that'll be f/4 at 1/30th second on average, 1/60th in brighter zones, 1/8-1/15th in darker areas. When possible try bracing yourself by leaning against a wall or doorway, sitting, etc.</p>

<p>TLRs are relatively easy to handhold steadily and the leaf shutter won't add any vibration. So the main challenge is subject motion blur. That's not always a bad thing. Sometimes subject motion blur works out well.</p>

<p>HP5+ at EI 1600 is workable in a good speed enhancing developer: T-Max, Xtol, Acufine, Diafine, Ilford DDX or Microphen. It'll be disappointing in Rodinal, D-76/ID-11 and other common developers. Been there, done that, got the murky negatives to show for it.</p>

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